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发布时间:2024-07-28 02:47:56

[单项选择]Even if the public ate up every______detail about their leaders, that same public grew offended that the news media would actually pander to their baser impulses.
A. mesmeric
B. lofty
C. supine
D. resonant
E. lubricious

更多"Even if the public ate up every____"的相关试题:

[填空题]Even if the public ate up every________detail about their leaders, that same public grew offended that the news media would actually pander to their baser impulses.
A. A.mesmeric

[填空题]Comparing the sentences “Tony ate up the cake made by his mother” and “托尼吃掉了妈妈做的蛋糕”, we may find () patterns in English and linear patterns in Chinese.
[填空题]Centuries ago, in, the government even set up universities and hold ceremonies in memory of Confucius.
[单项选择]The student was just about to give up the question when suddenly Ne found the answer.
[A] 他突然找到答案的时候,那个学生正要放弃这个问题。
[D] 那个学生准备放弃这个问题,因为他不清楚什么时候答案才能突然出现。
[C] 这学生正打算放弃这个问题,突然找到了答案。
[D] 由于不清楚他什么时候能找到答案,那个学生就放弃了这个问题。

A. The student was just about to give up the question when suddenly Ne found the answer.
B. 他突然找到答案的时候,那个学生正要放弃这个问题。
C. 这学生正打算放弃这个问题,突然找到了答案。
D. 由于不清楚他什么时候能找到答案,那个学生就放弃了这个问题。
E. 那个学生准备放弃这个问题,因为他不清楚什么时候答案才能突然出现。
[简答题]John couldn’’t even pick up the box,________ (更谈不上把它拿到楼上去了).
[填空题]John couldn’t even pick up the box,__________________ (更谈不上把它拿到楼上去了).
[单项选择]Public protests can cause even the most powerful companies to change their policies. For example, an activist group recently staged a demonstration in front of the HydraBore corporate headquarters to protest the company’s use of the chemical Ectomazathol. Within three months of the demonstration, HydraBore replaced Ectomazathol in its production plants with another chemical.
Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the connection between the public protest and the decision of the company to change chemicals ?()
A. Preliminary studies show that the new chemical may be more carcinogenic than Ectomazathol.
B. The recently introduced chemical that is replacing Ectomazathol is less expensive and more effective in its industrial application than Ectomazathol.
C. HydraBore devoted no publicity efforts to announce its switch from Ectomazathol to the new chemical.
D. As protests against HydraBore have become more frequent, the company has subsequently increased its public relations budget.
E. The activist group that staged the demonstration has been linked to illegal acts of theft and sabotage within other corporate headquarters.
[简答题]To date, the bulk of the public debate about copyright and new technology has focused on an issue that I consider to be secondary, the issue of how new technology alters the balance of power between consumers and a relatively narrow group of producers, primarily the producers of certain types of music and film. By focusing so narrowly on that issue, and framing that issue as being about "kids’ stealing music," we run the risk of overlooking how bad copyright laws are increasingly affecting a much more important group of cultural producers.
I am the founder of Wikipedia, a charitable effort to organize thousands of volunteers to write a high-quality encyclopedia in every language of the world. We the Wikipedians have achieved remarkable success in our five-year history, and we’ve done it as volunteers freely sharing our knowledge. And yet, strangely enough, in addition to researching facts on hundreds of thousands of topics, we are forced to become copyright experts, because so m

Political controversy about the public-land policy of the United States began with the America Revolution. (1) , even before independence from Britain was (2) , it became clear that (3) the dilemmas surrounding the public domain might prove necessary to (4) the Union itself.
At the peace negotiation with Britain, Americans obtained a western (5) at the Mississippi River. Thus the new nation secured for its birthright a vast internal empire rich in agricultural and mineral resources. But (6) their colonial charters, seven states claimed (7) of the western wilderness. Virginia’s claim was the largest, (8) north and west to encompass the later states. The language of the charters was (9) and their validity questionable, but during the war Virginia reinforced its title by sponsoring Colonel Georgia Rogers Clark’s 1778 (10) to Vicennes and Kaskaskia, which (11) America’s tra
A. so
B. even
C. yet
D. still


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