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发布时间:2024-02-13 21:13:56

[填空题]The professor advised the students to__________________(读更多有教育意义的书).

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[填空题]The professor advised the students to__________________(读更多有教育意义的书).

[单项选择]A professor told students to go into the city slums (贫民窟) to study the life of 200 boys. He asked them to (41) reports (报告) about each boy’s life and future. Most of the students wrote, "He doesn’t have any hope. "
Twenty-five years (42) , another professor read the earlier reports. He told his students to (43) what happened to the boys. They tried very hard and found that 176 of the boys had become successful (44) doctors, teachers or scientists.
The professor was very (45) and decided to study it further. Luckily, all the men were living in the same city and he was able to visit and ask each one, "What made you (46) "
They all answered, "It was a good teacher. "
The teacher was (47) living there, so the professor found her and asked the old lady (48) she had pulled those boys out of the slum, and changed them into successful people. The teacher’s (49) beg
A. read
B. study
C. write
[单项选择]College professor: College students do not write nearly as well as they used to. Almost all of the papers that my students have done for me this year have been poorly written and ungrammatical.
Which one of the following is the most serious weakness in the argument made by the professor
A. It requires confirmation that the change in the professor’s students is representative of a change among college students in general.
B. It offers no proof to the effect that the professor is an accurate judge of writing ability.
C. It does not take into account the possibility that the professor is a poor teacher.
D. It fails to present contrary evidence.
E. (E) It fails to define its terms sufficiently.

W: Professor Smith caught some students cheating on the mid-term exam and failed them.
M: Serves them right.

How does the man react to the woman’s statement( ).
A. He feels sorry for those students.
B. He thinks it right to punish those students.
C. He thinks those students should be expelled from college.
D. He thinks the punishment is too severe.
[填空题]Pleased with his students’ progress, Professor Tyler praised them ________________ (不止一次).
[填空题]It is strong advised that students (read) ______ English aloud for thirty minutes every day.
[填空题]The professor, along with his students, (be) ______ going to attend the meeting tomorrow.
[单项选择] Professor Meredith Thring, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Queen Mary College, London showed off his latest invention to the Press yesterday. It is a mechanical coal miner which, he claims, could solve Britain’’s energy problems within ten years. Not that he thinks the National Coal Board will be at all interested. " I have taken my previous ideas of mechanical mining to previous Chairmen of the Board but each time nothing has happened," he said. "The Board are not thinking enough about the future. My latest idea would put the cost of coal down and produce twice as much with the same labour force. " Professor Thring finished making his mechanical coal miner only on Sunday night. He showed the wooden model yesterday at Queen Mary College. It is rather like a giant ant, with a headlight, two TV camera "eyes" , and arms the same size and strength as human arms. This particular coal miner, however, would only be eighteen inches tall, which would enable it to mine much
A. reject his idea
B. listen to the Press
C. be unable to develop his invention
D. reduce coal output


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