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发布时间:2024-01-06 02:08:00

Irish Dolphins may Have a Unique Dialect

Irish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.
The Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation (SDWF) has been studying a group of up to 120 bottle-nose dolphins in the River Shannon using vocalizations collected on a computer in a cow shed near the River Shannon.
As part of a research project, student Ronan Hickey digitized and analyzed a total of 1,882 whistles from the Irish dolphins and those from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated them into six fundamental whistle types and 32 different categories. Of the categories, he found most were used by both sets of dolphins but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.
"We are building up a catalogue of the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them with behavior like foraging, r
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned

更多"Irish Dolphins may Have a Unique Di"的相关试题:

Irish Dolphins may Have a Unique Dialect

Irish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.
The Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation (SDWF) has been studying a group of up to 120 bottle-nose dolphins in the River Shannon using vocalizations collected on a computer in a cow shed near the River Shannon.
As part of a research project, student Ronan Hickey digitized and analyzed a total of 1,882 whistles from the Irish dolphins and those from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated them into six fundamental whistle types and 32 different categories. Of the categories, he found most were used by both sets of dolphins but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins.
"We are building up a catalogue of the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them with behavior like foraging, r
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned

Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Have you ever wondered how it is possible for us to find out people Even a skilled novelist probably could not make a description of all the features(特征) that make one face different from another. Yet a very young kid or even an animal, such as a pigeon,can learn to recognize faces. We all take the ability for granted.
We can also tell people apart by which ways they behave. When talking of someone’s personality, we mean the methods in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks or feels that make him or her different from others.
Like the human face, human personality is so complicated. But describing someone’s personality in words is somewhat much easier than describing his face. If you were asked to describe what a "nice face" looked like, you probably would have a lot of difficulties. But if you were asked to describe a "nice person" you might begin to think about someone who was kind, considerate,
A. how to recognize people’s figures
B. how to tell good persons from bad persons
C. how to tell apart people both inward and outward
D. how to describe people’s character

[单项选择]What unique situation does Telekom have to face
A. The country is densely populated.
B. The country is made up of many islands.
C. The country is not over-populated.
[填空题]His government may have appeared to have whitewashed its tone, if not its message, over the weekend, in order to________public concern.
A. A.demonstrate

[单项选择]Government activities may have damaged environmental impacts. A whole range of policies, from farm- price support to protection for coal-mining, do environmental damage and often make no economic sense. For example, more intensive farming tends to worsen soil erosion, which threatens the productivity of land in both rich and poor countries. The United States, where the most careful measurements have been done, discovered in 1982 that about one-fifth of its farmland was losing topsoil at a rate likely .to diminish the soil’ s productivity.
Government policies have frequently added to the environmental damage that farming can cause. In the rich countries, subsidies for growing crops and price supports for farm output drive up the price of land. To in- crease the output of crops per acre, a farmer’s easiest option is to use more of the most readily available in- puts: fertilizers and pesticides. Fertilizer use doubled in Denmark in the periond 1960-1985 and increased in the Netherlan
A. beneficial to the economy though detrimental to the environment
B. of no good either to the environment or to the economy
C. harmful only to the economy
D. not known until decades later
[填空题]Attending school at an early age may cause more school-related problems.


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