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发布时间:2023-10-22 16:44:01

[填空题]You should report any incident, ______ (不论多么严重或轻微).

更多"You should report any incident, ___"的相关试题:

[简答题]Have you any idea where he lives
[单项选择]Have you any () that you were not there at 9 o’clock last night.
A. statement
B. cause
C. words
D. proof
[单项选择]Have you any _____ that you were not there at 9 o’clock last night
A. statement
B. cause
C. words
D. proof
[单项选择]不论动机多么伟大,不论出于多么善良的愿望,想要改变一个人,哪怕只是改变一个孩子,都是徒然的,如果他并不能理解这种改变。 这段话表达的主要观点是( )。
A. 人是很难改变的,无论他怎样努力
B. 没有善良的动机就不能使人改变
C. 只有当人自己想改变时他才会改变
D. 孩子和成人一样不容易改变
[单项选择]Have you any_________ that you were not there at 9 o’’clock last night
A. statement
B. cause
C. words
D. proof

M: Summer holiday is coming. Have you any plans for it
W: I’m not going home this summer, I want to find a part-time job.
M: Do you have any experience It’s not easy to find a job.
W: Yes. But I worked as a waiter in a small restaurant last summer. So I don’t think it is so difficult for me.
M: Maybe. How much did you earn last summer
W: 2 000 Yuan. I paid part of my tuition with it so I am half independent. What about you M: I’d like to take an English course. I plan to take the PET4 next term.
W: Sounds good. Both of us will have a busy holiday.

What are they talking about ( )
A. Plans for the summer holiday.
B. Traveling in the summer holiday.
C. Finding a job in the summer holiday.
D. Learning English in the summer holiday.
[单项选择]Man: Have you any idea what Jack Johnson’s doing these days
Woman: Do you know, I’ve lost track of him.
Question: What does the woman mean( ).
A. She has no idea where Jack is.
B. She last saw Jack at the race track.
C. She’s been trying to track Jack.
D. Jack was lately seen driving a truck.
[填空题]If you have any problem, you can speak John because he is a ______ (special).
[单项选择]If you want any help you()it at home. If you've got any problems you take them home. That's what family life is about.
A. ask for
B. identify with
C. depend on
D. come by

Before you speak to any audience, you should learn as much about its members as possible. Only in that way can you best adapt the level of your language and the content of your talk to your listeners.
41. Speaking to someone you know well. ______
Where are you likely to speak Certainly, in this class you’ll give several talks, and since you know most, if not all, of the students, you should face no major problems in adapting your approach to them. Another speaking possibility exists in your workplace.
A third speaking possibility exists in any organization (social, cultural, athletic, and so on ) that you belong to. You may be asked to speak at the next meeting or at the annual banquet. Here again, you know the people involved, their background, their education level, and their attitudes, and that’s a tremendous advantage for you. Since we’re upbeat and positive in this course, we’ll assume that you’ve given successful talks u


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