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发布时间:2023-10-22 02:27:05

[填空题]He is the (five) ______ person I see who wears this kind of Jacket.

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[填空题]He is the (five) ______ person I see who wears this kind of Jacket.

[填空题]He is the (five)()person I see who wears this kind of jacket.
[单项选择]The glasses a person wears may () his status.
A. express
B. show
C. exhibit
D. advertise
[单项选择]Passage Five
Anyone who has ever attended a university knows that the quality of lecturers varies greatly. A few are very effective communicators, conveying the substance of their lectures clearly and interestingly and inspiring students to want to know more about the subject. Others produce dull lectures from which the students learn little and which are likely to kill any interest they may have in the subject. Lecturing is a major part of a university lecturer’s job and it would seem reasonable that effectiveness in this task should be a major standard in assessing a lecturer for promotion. However, it is very often the case that far more weight is given to such factors as participation in research, number of publications and even performance of administrative duties. My point of view is that a lecturer’s lecturing should be regularly evaluat
A. there are great differences among the lecturers as to their quality of teaching
B. quite a lot of teachers can produce the results students desire
C. they must be inspired to learn
D. it is too dull to attend lectures
Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET I.
Passage One
George Mason must rank with John Adams and James Madison as one of the three Founding Fathers who left their personal imprint (印记) on the fundamental law of the United States. He was the principal author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which, because of its early formation, greatly influenced other state constitutions framed during the Revolution and, through them, the Federal Bill of Rights of 1791.
Yet Mason was essentially a private person with very little inclination for public office or the ordinary operation of politics beyond the country level. His app
A. was exercised throughout his life
B. had been recognized only by the generations that followed him
C. was less important historically than his brilliance as lawyer
D. emerged powerfully, but for a brief time only


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