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发布时间:2023-11-16 03:06:27

The Role of Price

What is price Price is often said to be the amount of money people must have to get something (19) .That is to say, we take prices as a formal (20) indicating the quantities of money needed to acquire a given quantity of goods or services. When a loaf of bread is (21) as $0.50, it means the seller provides one loaf of bread and the buyer (22) $0.50.
If a seller wishes to change prices, what can he do There are several ways to do that. Suppose when there is a (23) of sugar cane, there will be an increase in the price of sugar. (24) the seller can change the price by increasing the quantity of money to be given by the buyer. This is the first way. The second way to change price is to change the quantity of goods and services. If the quantity of a product remains (25) , but the quality has been decreased, then the price has (26) increased.
A. contribute
B. invest
C. commit
D. devote

更多"The Role of Price What is price "的相关试题:

The Role of Price

What is price Price is often said to be the amount of money people must have to get something (19) .That is to say, we take prices as a formal (20) indicating the quantities of money needed to acquire a given quantity of goods or services. When a loaf of bread is (21) as $0.50, it means the seller provides one loaf of bread and the buyer (22) $0.50.
If a seller wishes to change prices, what can he do There are several ways to do that. Suppose when there is a (23) of sugar cane, there will be an increase in the price of sugar. (24) the seller can change the price by increasing the quantity of money to be given by the buyer. This is the first way. The second way to change price is to change the quantity of goods and services. If the quantity of a product remains (25) , but the quality has been decreased, then the price has (26) increased.
A. sold
B. requested
C. desired
D. wished
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A. 拥有狗的那些人经常评论说狗是多么好的朋友,和它们一起有很多乐趣。
B. 养狗的那些人经常说他们的狗是多么好的伙伴,同它们玩多么有趣。
C. 有狗的人常谈论他们的狗是他们的好伙伴,和狗在一起他们很开心。
D. 养狗的人常说狗是他们的好朋友,同它们玩很有趣。
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