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发布时间:2023-10-21 10:03:14

[填空题]The deer carcass showed Waldo Wilcox there may be mountain lion nearby, and this means his cattle were in danger.

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[填空题]The deer carcass showed Waldo Wilcox there may be mountain lion nearby, and this means his cattle were in danger.

[填空题]Best Time Keeper
Waldo Wilcox knew there was trouble the moment he saw the mauled(受伤的)deer carcass, not far from one of the meadows where his cattle grazed. His dogs, Dink and Shortie, sensed it too—mountain lion. He grabbed his pistol and a rope from his truck, and said, "let’s get him". Then he headed up the mountainside, his hounds racing far ahead.
Wilcox moved in long strides up the rocky grade. Still, it took some time before he topped the summit. The big cat was not 50 yards in front of him, its fangs(尖牙)bared, cornered by the dogs on a massive sandstone bluff.
Wilcox gripped his gun. He hoped to take the mountain lion alive and sell it to a zoo. He’d done that before and made a tidy profit. Wilcox took quick aim, his pistol cracked, and there was a sudden silence as the animal fell limp to the ground.
It wasn’t until the red dust had settled and Wilcox’s pulse had slowed that he gazed around. What he saw stunned him. High on the bluff lay an a
[填空题]Waldo Wilcox found hidden treasure, such as valuable jewelry high on the bluff.

[填空题]If Waldo Wilcox shoots the mountain lion without killing it, he will make much money by selling it to a zoo.

[填空题]A = Nathaniel Hawthorne B = Galph Waldo Emerson
C = Henry David Thoreau D = Herman Melville
※ kept a journal throughout his life. (71)
※ had Nathaniel Hawthorne as his neighbor. (72)
※ met Wordsworth when on a tour of Europe. (73)
※ wrote as a moralist. (74)
※ was born where many of the literary figures (75)
of the 19th century lived.
※ completed a novelette just before his death. (76)
※ was concerned with the abolition of slavery. (77)
※ worked as a customs inspector in New York. (78)
※ his "Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment" is a study of (79)
right and wrong in human Conduct.
※ thought a minimum of material kept men (80)
closer to nature.


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