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发布时间:2024-07-05 19:03:46


Conversation 2
M: Come on, Jane. It’ s time to go.
W: Wait a minute. I just have to close up the shop.
M: Ok.
W: Listen, can we give my sister a ride home tonight
M: Sure. You mean Helen’s coming to the game
W: Yeah, she wants to take some pictures. She’ s really interested in photography.
M: Oh Does she want to be a photographer
W: Huh-huh. She’ d like to work for a newspaper.
M: That sounds like an interesting job.
W: I think so, too, But a lot of people want to be photographers. There’s so much competition.
M: I know what you mean there s a lot of competition in sports, too. I wanted to be a professional soccer player, but now I work in a bank.
W: Well, you’ ve got to eat.

What does the man do for a living ()
A. He is a car salesman.
B. He is a bank clerk.
C. He is a sportsman.
D. He is a newspaper reporter.

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Conversation 2
M: Come on, Jane. It’ s time to go.
W: Wait a minute. I just have to close up the shop.
M: Ok.
W: Listen, can we give my sister a ride home tonight
M: Sure. You mean Helen’s coming to the game
W: Yeah, she wants to take some pictures. She’ s really interested in photography.
M: Oh Does she want to be a photographer
W: Huh-huh. She’ d like to work for a newspaper.
M: That sounds like an interesting job.
W: I think so, too, But a lot of people want to be photographers. There’s so much competition.
M: I know what you mean there s a lot of competition in sports, too. I wanted to be a professional soccer player, but now I work in a bank.
W: Well, you’ ve got to eat.

What do we learn about Helen according to the talk ()
A. She wants to work for a bank.
B. She wants to have her pictures taken.
C. She likes her job of taking pictures.
D. She will be away from home that evening.
[单项选择]{{B}}Conversation Two{{/B}}

What’s Tim’s study strategy for reading

Conversation 2
M: May I come in
W: Yes, of course.
M: Hello, Kate. Where is Jane I want her to type this letter for me.
W: I’m afraid she can’t. (8)She isn’t working today. She is studying for the exam.
M: The exam Is she going to school
W: Yes, she is. She is learning Japanese at night school
M: I see. Are you going to night school, too
W: No, I’m not, not this year. (9)But I’m thinking about taking a course next year.
M: That’s a good idea. Is that expensive
W: No, not very. (10)Anyway it’s worth the money.

Which of the following statements is true ()
A. Kate is going to go to night school next year.
B. Kate is learning Japanese in night school.
C. Kate is a good typist.
D. Kate and Jane are learning Japanese in night school.

Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
M: Would you come to dinner next Sunday
W: Sunday No, I’m sorry. I’m busy on Sunday.
M: How about Saturday
W: Yes, I’d love to. What time
M: How about 7:00
W: OK.
M: Do you know where I live
W: Sorry, I have no idea.
M: I’m on No. 1125, Beijing Road.
W: I think I can find it. Anything I should bring along
M: Oh, just bring yourself. We’ll get everything ready.
W: Thank you for your kindness.
M. I’ll see you then.
W: Thanks. Goodbye.

What does the man invite the woman to()
A. A movie.
B. A meeting.
C. A party.
D. A dinner.

Conversation 2
M: May I come in
W: Yes, of course.
M: Hello, Kate. Where is Jane I want her to type this letter for me.
W: I’m afraid she can’t. (8)She isn’t working today. She is studying, for the exam.
M: The exam Is she going to school
W: Yes, she is. She is learning Japanese at night school.
M: I see. Are you going to night school, too
W: No, I’m not, not this year. (9)But I’m thinking about taking a course next year.
M: That’s a good idea. Is that expensive
W: No, not very. (10)Anyway it’s worth the money.

Why can’t Jane type the letter for the man()
A. Because she is on vacation.
B. Because she doesn’t, want to.
C. Because she is working busily.
D. Because she is studying for exam.

Conversation 1
M: Hello, Mrs. Stevens, nice to see you and welcome.
W: Hello, Mr. Roberts. What’s your latest type TV set at this fair
M: Here, Type 2850-P8, with a better clarity and sound system.
W: What’s the price
M: It sells for $1000.
W: The price is 10% higher than that of the same products of other brands.
M: Yes, you are right. Our price is a little higher, but the quality is the best.
W: I see. Can you give me a 5% discount if I place an order for 1000 right now
M: Let me see Yes, I think I can.

How much will the woman pay for each TV set ()
A. $1000. 
B. $900. 
C. $950. 
D. $1100.
[单项选择]Conversation OneWho will the man come with
A. His dad
B. His friend
C. His child

Conversation 2

What’s the color of Leech’s shirtAnd what’s the color of his bag()
A. Yellow and white.
B. Blue and green.
C. Green and black.
D. Blue and black.

Conversation 2

What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?()
A. Teacher and student.
B. Classmates.
C. Father and daughter.
D. Mother and son.
[单项选择]Conversation begins almost the moment we come into contact with another and continues throughout the day (56) the aid of cell phones and computers. However, we are so often absorbed in conversation that we (57) sight of its true purpose and value.
One important (58) of a good conversation is that the words are (59) used to express thoughts and feelings. We are (60) deep thoughts and strong emotions, yet our vocabularies are not (61) for this expression, and many (62) little effort to expand that. Perhaps you see a movie that (63) you deeply, yet you have the following conversation: “So, what did you think of the film” “Oh, my God, it was so sad, I swear. I went through (64) a box of tissues (面巾纸). I was in tears.” This dialogue is (65) an effective way of expressing feelings. It gives no (66) of how or why the movie truly (67) you. Such commonly-used phrases are certainly not enough to de
A. make up for
B. made up of
C. make up of
D. made up for


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