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发布时间:2023-10-23 08:12:29

[单项选择]As the editor of a science magazine--a fanny one--I was continually besieged by people who wanted ray help in winning a Nobel Prize.
I always explained that I had no influence on these matters, but they invariably told me in great detail what they’d done and why they deserved a prize. In some cases, they were correct. They deserved a prize all right, but not a Nobel Prize. And so, with the help of some friends and colleagues, I started the annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony.
The first was held in October 1991. Now each year the science humor magazine I currently edit, Annals of Improbable Research, awards ten Ig Nobel Prizes to people whose achievements, though not precisely ignoble, "cannot or should not be reproduced." Genuine Nobel Prize winners present the Ig Nobel Prizes to the winners at Harvard. A friendly, standing-room-only audience of 1,200 gives a warm welcome with wild applause and paper airplanes.
Here are a few especially memorable Ig Nobel Prize winners:

A. Many people asked him for help to win a Nobel Prize.
B. Some of the achievements did deserve a prize.
C. He is an editor of a science humor magazine.
D. He wanted to make up for what the Nobel Prize failed to do.

更多"As the editor of a science magazine"的相关试题:

[单项选择]As the editor of a science magazine--a fanny one--I was continually besieged by people who wanted ray help in winning a Nobel Prize.
I always explained that I had no influence on these matters, but they invariably told me in great detail what they’d done and why they deserved a prize. In some cases, they were correct. They deserved a prize all right, but not a Nobel Prize. And so, with the help of some friends and colleagues, I started the annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony.
The first was held in October 1991. Now each year the science humor magazine I currently edit, Annals of Improbable Research, awards ten Ig Nobel Prizes to people whose achievements, though not precisely ignoble, "cannot or should not be reproduced." Genuine Nobel Prize winners present the Ig Nobel Prizes to the winners at Harvard. A friendly, standing-room-only audience of 1,200 gives a warm welcome with wild applause and paper airplanes.
Here are a few especially memorable Ig Nobel Prize winners:

A. Former Ig Nobel Prize winners.
B. Genuine Nobel Prize winners.
C. The editors of Annals of Improbable Research.
D. President of Harvard.’
[填空题]Who was Miss Fanny Jackson

[简答题] computer science

Science fiction has a tendency to become science fact. Something like Hal, the on-board spaceship computer capable of ethical decision making and intelligence in Arthur Clarke’s 2001:A space Odyssey , is being discussed seriously in modern artificial-intelligence (AI) laboratories. (46) That is not to say that computers will evolve exactly as Clarke envisioned, any more than propulsion systems developed in the way Jules Verne imagined three-quarters of a century before a rocked sent a spaceship to the moon. (47)However, computer scientists are developing systems that come very close to mimicking parts of human cognition;it seems plausible that something like Hal will be around before you depart from this earth.
(48) Computerized cognition, or artificial intelligence (AI), as it is often called, is broadly defined as that branch of computer science that deals with the development of computers (hardware) and computer programs (software) that emulate h

[简答题]Part 1Science Are you very interested in science Is there anything about science that you dislike What science do students learn at school in your country What do you find most interesting in science Is science helpful for you
[单项选择]A. Medical science. B. Political science.
C. Biology. D. Production management.


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