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发布时间:2024-07-28 20:37:12

[单项选择]What point does Ricky Bland make about the fast-industry
A. Its attitude to staff development is often misunderstood.
B. It has difficulty recruiting suitable staff.
C. It invests more in technology than in staf

更多"What point does Ricky Bland make ab"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What point does Jackman make about his staff A. Employees should be trained to do particular jobs. B. Staff development matters less than the success of a deal. C. Teamwork is essential for carrying out all tasks.
[单项选择]What point does the professor make about an enzyme when it is involved in a biochemical reaction ?()
A. It divides into Two different parts.
B. It keeps the same chemical structure.
C. It becomes part of a new chemical compound.
D. It produces more of the enzyme.
[单项选择]What does the say about Mike
A. He is good-looking
B. He is looking for a new job.
C. His luck has been ba
[单项选择]What does the man ask about
A. The time of a film.
B. The price of a hotel room.
C. The phone number of the cinema.
[单项选择]What does the woman ask about
A. How the man is.
B. What the man is going to do.
C. Whether the man is better.
[单项选择]What does the speaker talk about
A. The role he’s going to play in the lab.
B. The workbook pupils are going to use.
C. The experiment the pupils are going to do.
[填空题]What does the passage talk about It talks about the changes in ______.

What does Johnson think about the exam
A. It will be difficult.
B. It’s hopeless to study for it.
C. He’s ready for it.
D. He missed it.
[单项选择]What does Martha say about office diaries
A. She thinks that, unfortunately, they are necessary.
B. She never uses one at all.
C. her secretary keeps one for her.
[单项选择]What does Robert say about online friendship
A. It is hard to prove.
B. It is easy to find.
C. It does not last long.
[单项选择]What does Paula think about remote employment
A. It has a bright future.
B. It needs more mentors for instruction.
C. This model of work could substitute full-time jobs.
[单项选择]What does Steven say about the chairs
A. He will have difficulty getting permission to include them.
B. He will be able to give them to Elizabeth as part of the deal.
C. It is unreasonable of Elizabeth to ask for them.
[单项选择]What does Rachel think about the man
A. She thinks he is crazy.
B. She doesn’t like his idea.
C. She approves of his idea.
D. She thinks he should stay at home.
[单项选择]What does Edward think about his work
A. He enjoys working in that company.
B. He is not so happy working there.
C. He thinks he can’t deal with the customer.
[单项选择]What does Martha say about her employees
A. They must listen more carefully to what customers say.
B. She finds whet they can tell her very useful.
C. It is difficult to recruit enough good quality staf


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