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发布时间:2023-10-13 14:16:54

[填空题]Many small-scale societies have survived and adapted in spite of predictions to the contrary.

更多"Many small-scale societies have sur"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How many hostages survived the kidnapping
A. 2.
B. 4.
C. 7.
D. 11.
[填空题]Pentagon. Many have been held for more than three years and the______.

[单项选择] The industrial societies have been extremely productive during the last two centuries. The economic: advance has been remarkable. During this relatively short period of time, greater changes in people’s living conditions have occurred than in the thousands of years which preceded. During the past 200 years the world population has increased 6 times, the annual world output has increased 80 times, and the distance a person can travel has gone up 1,000 times. There has also been much recent progress in art, culture, learning, and science. Such changes have led to a high rate of production and growth of the economy. Economists fear that within the next 100 to 150 years, the earth’s resources will become very scarce. Their fears are partly justified, but we should not be afraid. Industrial civilization adapts to new knowledge. By advancing knowledge, we not only create new forms of resources, but we also find ways to economize their use. Advanced modern knowledge can feed the hung
A. prediction.
B. contrast
C. definition.
D. explanation.
[简答题]Many have come to believe that Type A’s are at a much higher risk of suffering heart attack or dying of heart disease than others.

[单项选择]How many people on the Russian submarine survived the accident
A. 20.
B. 21.
C. 167.
D. 208.
How many people have died
A. (A) None.
B. (B) Twenty.
C. (C) Thousands.
D. (D) Millions.

W: How many people survived this fire
M: There were 2 men on the first floor and 3 women with a child on the second floor, but no one was badly hurt.

How many people were killed in the fire ()
A. 2. 
B. 3. 
C. 6. 
D. None.

W: How many people survived this fire
M: There were 2 men on the first floor and 3 women with a child on the second floor, but no one was badly hurt.

How many people were killed in the fire( ).
A. 2.
B. 3.
C. 6.
D. Non

(1)Evidence from many ancient societies--Chinese, Greek, Mayan, and Egyptian--reveals that kicking games were played in those cultures. (2) The modem game of soccer began in the 19th century in England, when a variety of football games developed, all of which involved both handling and kicking the ball. The first laws of the modern game were supposedly drafted in 1862 by J.C)Thring. At a meeting of the London Football Association (FA)in 1863, the game of football was split into rugby football (the parent sport of American football), which permitted handling and carrying the ball, and association football, or soccer, which banned the use of the hands.
(3)At first soccer was played mostly in private schools and universities, but before long, people of the working classes picked up the sport, The FA Cup, a tournament first organized in 1871, sparked the rapid spread of soccer in England. (The tournament, which is still played, climaxes with the annual Cu


W: How many people survived this fire
M: There were 2 men on the first floor and 3 women with a child on the second floor, but no one was badly hurt.

How many people were killed in the fire()
A. 2.
B. 3.
C. 6.
D. Non
[填空题]Many studies have found human expressions are
Many researchers have found greater dependence and obedience in very young girls, greater autonomy and activity in boys. When a barrier is set up to separate children from their mothers, boys try to knock it down; girls cry helplessly. There is little doubt that mother’s encouragement or discouragement—of such behavior plays a major role in determining adult personality. For example, a mother often stimulates male autonomy by throwing a toy far away from her young son, thus silently suggesting to him that he leaves her to get it.
Animal studies suggest that there may be a biological factor in material behavior; mothers of some monkeys punish their male babies earlier and more often than their female offspring; they also touch their female babies more often and act more protectively toward them.
As for the controversial question of female "{{U
A. passive to workmates
B. passive to lovers
C. selfness and indifference
D. dullness and keeping to oneself


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