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发布时间:2023-10-22 15:11:51

[单项选择]In 1844, Charles Stun, a British soldier and colonial administrator, made an ex pedition_______a supposed inland sea; his party penetrated more than 1,000 miles northward, almost to the center of Australia.
A. in quest of
B. in favor of
C. by way of

更多"In 1844, Charles Stun, a British so"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In 1844, Charles Sturt, a British soldier and colonial administrator, made an expedition () a supposed inland sea; his party penetrated more than 1000 miles northward, almost to the center of Australia.
A. in quest of
B. with regard to
C. in favor of
D. by way of

British Government

When British voters go to the polls during General Elections to decide (51) will govern them they usually have a choice of at least three candidates who will each (52) one of the three main political parties in Britain today.
The Labour Party is the party of (53) , while the Tory Conservative Party the right and (54) the two, with policies and opinions of its own, is the smaller Liberal Party.
Britain is divided into over 600 political units called "constituencies", each with (55) own candidates who stand for Parliament hoping to be elected (or re-elected) with large majorities. The cities and large towns are themselves divided into constituencies and they also choose the Members of parliament (MPs) who will represent their (56) in the houses of Parliament at Westminster. Here, in the "House", the government (57) the day
A. what
B. which
C. who
D. whom

[简答题]British Cuisine: the Best of Old and New British cuisine(烹饪) has come of age in recent years as chefs(厨师) combine the best of old and new. Why does British food have a reputation for being so bad Because it is bad! Those are not the most encouraging words to hear just before eating lunch at one of Hong Kong’s smartest British restaurants, Alfie’s by KEE, but head chef Neil Tomes has more to say. “The past 15 years or so have been a noticeable period of improvement for food in England,” the English chef says, citing the trend in British cuisine for better ingredients, preparation and cooking methods, and more appealing presentation. Chef such as Delia Smith, Nigel Slater, Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay made the public realise that cooking – and eating – didn’t have to be a boring thing. And now, most of the British public is familiar even with the extremes of Heston Blumenthal’s molecular gastronomy, a form of cooking that employs scientific methods to create the perfect dish. “It’


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Information about British Economy
British economy enjoyed 5 years of strong economic ______.
Average GDP growth per year is ______.
The outlook for the British economy is ______.
The driving factor of this year’s economic growth is ______.
The most dynamic industry in recent years is ______.