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发布时间:2024-02-22 20:36:30

Sorry I couldn’t attend the 10 o’clock meeting. My dental appointment lasted a lot longer than I expected. May I have some information about the meeting tomorrow at 27

A. inform
B. apologize
C. express good will

更多"Bill, Sorry I couldn’t attend th"的相关试题:

Sorry I couldn’t attend the 10 o’clock meeting. My dental appointment lasted a lot longer than I expected. May I have some information about the meeting tomorrow at 27

A. inform
B. apologize
C. express good will
[简答题]Because the leader couldn’t attend the meeting, so it was canceled.

M: I was Sorry to hear about Bill’s being red. I know he was sick a lot and that he usually went to work late.
W: Oh, it wasn’t that. Bill made a big error in last month’s accounting.

Why did Bill lose his job()
A. He got angry with his boss.
B. He always got to work late.
C. He was frequently sick and absent from work.
D. He prepared a financial report in correctly.
[单项选择]Speaker A:Could you break a 100-dollar bill for me Speaker B:()
A. OK.How much do you want
B. How can I do it,Miss
C. Oh,that's inconvenient for me.
D. Sure.How do you want it
[单项选择]Bill: What’s the time Blanche: 8 o’clock, so we’d better get a move on if we’re going to meet your sister at the airport. Bill: That’s alright. Her flight doesn’t arrive until 8:30. Blanche: Yeah, but it’ll take us an hour to get there--you know what the traffic is like. Bill: OK. ______. Blanche: What’s wrong with those shorts Bill: I don’t like driving in shorts. I’m going to put some jeans on.
A. I’ll just go and get changed.
B. I’ll wash my hands.
C. Please wait me a moment.
D. I’ll be back soon.
[填空题]Could you pass me the clock(钟) ,please
Could you ______ the clock ______ me ,please


W: Here’s a 10-dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonight’s show please.
M: Sure. Two tickets and here’s $1.40 change.

How much does one ticket cost()
A. $ 1.40.
B. $ 6.40.
C. $ 4.30.
D. $ 8.60.

W: Hi, Bill, can you tell me how it happened
M: Sure. I was mountain climbing in New Hampshire in 1982. Suddenly the weather became really bad. There was a lot of snow and we couldn’t see anything. We got lost. Well, we spent four days on the mountain. The temperature was 20 degrees below zero, We didn’t have any equipment or food.
W: So what happened I guess someone found you, right
M: Yes, but we were very sick. I couldn’t move my legs because of the cold. f spent two months in the hospital. The doctors removed my legs.
W: Right. So you lost your legs, but you want to try your best to stay active.
M: That’s right. In fact, I decided to make some new legs for myself. I realized that no one had to be physically disabled. We can use modern technology to help us.
W: And you built these great new legs. Can you go mountain climbing again
M: Yes, I can. In fact, these are better tha
A. He slipped from the mountain.
B. He got lost in bad weather.
C. He lost his equipment.


M: Could you lend me 180 dollars
W: Sorry, I only have 170 dollars.

How much does the man want to borrow7()
A. $117.
B. $118.
C. $170.
D. $180.
[单项选择]W: I’m so sorry, sir. And you’ll let me pay to have your jacket cleaned, won’t you
M: That’s all right. It could happen to anyone. And I’m sure that coffee doesn’t leave lasting marks on clothing.
Q: What can we infer from the conversation( ).
A. The man blamed the woman for being careless.
B. The man misunderstood the woman’s apology.
C. The woman offered to pay for the man’s coffee.
D. The woman spilt coffee on the man’s jacket.
[判断题]Both order bill of lading and straight bill of lading can be transferred to the third party by endorsement. ( )

Alice: Where have you been these days
Bill: In the hospital.
Alice: In the hospital (51)
Bill: Didn’t you know that our room caught fire last Sunday evening
Alice: Oh, really (52) . But what caused the fire
Bill: Well, the light in our room was turned off at 10:30 as usual. John lit a candle (53) . Unluckily he fell asleep with the candle still burning beside him. (54) .
Alice: Oh, my God! How was John
Bill: He was badly burnt (55) .
Alice: Was he the only one burnt
Bill: No. There were two more, including me.

[判断题]A foul bill of lading means that the bill of lading is very dirty.( )
[判断题]A clean bill of lading means that the bill of lading is very clean.( )


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