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发布时间:2024-07-06 02:15:24

[单项选择]1  In proposed changes to Title IX, the federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in education, the Bush administration wants to encourage creation of single-sex public schools and classes.
2  Our studies of sexism in America’s education system have praised private single-sex schools because they offer the promise that education can transform the future of girls. Girls who attend these schools speak more freely in class, are more likely to major in math and science, and perhaps most encouraging, are more likely to attend college and graduate school.
3  So, given our past support for single-sex schools, you might expect us to be real cheerleaders for the new Bush administration plan.
4  But we are not cheering.
5  There is a right way and a wrong way to explore educational innovation, and the Bush administration has chosen the latter. Congress and the public should stop it before the real problems begin.
6  The No Child Left Behind Act promises to avoid fads and to build

更多"1  In proposed changes to Title IX,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]1  In proposed changes to Title IX, the federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in education, the Bush administration wants to encourage creation of single-sex public schools and classes.
2  Our studies of sexism in America’s education system have praised private single-sex schools because they offer the promise that education can transform the future of girls. Girls who attend these schools speak more freely in class, are more likely to major in math and science, and perhaps most encouraging, are more likely to attend college and graduate school.
3  So, given our past support for single-sex schools, you might expect us to be real cheerleaders for the new Bush administration plan.
4  But we are not cheering.
5  There is a right way and a wrong way to explore educational innovation, and the Bush administration has chosen the latter. Congress and the public should stop it before the real problems begin.
6  The No Child Left Behind Act promises to avoid fads and to build
Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan laid forth the intellectual basis for the likely continued aggressive easing in monetary policy in the weeks ahead in his semi-annual monetary policy report to Congress.
The broader point in his prepared testimony is that the improved information and production controls evident in the new economy
induce companies to respond more quickly and in tandem to changes in their business. Mistakes are still made as is evidenced by the unwanted buildup of inventories at the end of last year, but any mistakes are more aggressively addressed than in the past, as is evidenced by manufacturers’ recent slashing of production. Moreover, the increasingly dramatic shifts in economic activity are particularly hard on confidence. Consumers and businesses literally freeze up due to the heightened uncertainty, and run from any
A. aggressive investment in stock markets.
B. swift response of the chairman to recessions.
C. wider latitude to ease monetary policy.
D. better information and production controls.
[简答题]Federal Express
[简答题]IX.(LitigationProcedure) Forthepurposesoflimitingtheunauthorizeddistributionofintellectualproperty,theDMCA‘sstatutoryimmunityforISPsiscarefullystructuredtoblockonlyactionsfordamages. AnothersectionoftheActprovidesforaprocessbywhichacourt,undercertainconditions,cangrantinjunctiverelief.InthecaseofasourceISP,theremaybeanorderrequiringaterminationoftheoffendingsource‘saccountwiththeISPoraterminationoftherestoftheworld‘saccesstotheuser‘sassignedInternetdestination,iftheinfringingmaterialresidesthere.ForanOSP,aninjunctionmaybeframedasanorderrequiringterminationoftheOSPuser‘saccountorremovalorblockedaccesstothematerialontheOSP‘sservers. ItmaybethisprospectofinjunctivereliefthathasledtoapracticebypublishersofaskingISPstomonitorandpoliceactivitytakingplaceontheirnetworks.Forexample,theMotionPictureAssociationofAmericasentalettertoHarvardUniversitycomplainingofallegedlyinfringingmaterialhostedbysomeoneontheHarvardnetwork. Harvard,inturn,discoveredthatthematerialinque
A. A.damages
B.injunctive relief
C.an order requiring a termination of the offending source‘s account
D.an order requiring a termination of the access to the user‘s assigned Internet destination

[单项选择]Recent changes in federal government priorities have seen a reduction in financial support for parents who use childcare. This is occurring at a time when there is increasing social and financial pressure on parents, particularly mothers, to work. The issue of childcare and working mothers has been the subject of dispute for some time. Many argue that the best place for children is always in their own homes with their own parents. However, it is my contention that there are many advantages to be had from using childcare and the government should provide more financial assistance to parents who do so.
It has been argued that children who attend childcare centers at an early age miss out an important early learning that occurs in parent-child interaction. These children, so this argument goes, may be educationally disadvantaged later in life. However, childcare center may actually assist children in their early learning. They give children an opportunity to mix with other children a
A. The government should provide more childcare facilities for working mothers.
B. The government should cut its financial support for childcare services.
C. The government should help mothers to gain emotional bond with their children.
D. The government should encourage mothers to spend more time with their children.

The Federal Communications Commission is not alone in worrying about television stations that air corporate advertisements masquerading as news stories. In fact, the FCC requires that broadcast stations disclose the corporate backers of "video news releases" or face a maximum fine of $32,500 for each violation. Enough violations and a station could lose its license. The FCC sets out a clear policy: All outside news reporting must be identified, disclosing the source of any video news release aired on a news program.
There are occasional declines. A nonprofit consumer watchdog group reported to the FCC that 77 stations broadcast video features about products from 49 companies without pointing out that they were produced by public relations firms representing these corporations. Public relations firms have one goal: to make their video news releases look as if they are legitimate news reports, not propaganda.
However, PR-produced video news releases merely
A. they meet the interests of Spanish America.
B. they report the current wrongdoings of minorities.
C. they help keep the productivity of the society of white people.
D. they focus on the same news as other news media do.


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