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发布时间:2024-07-31 18:29:56


A () is a data type whose major attributes are determined by the roles governing the insertion and deletion of its elements. The only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted most () . Such a structure is said to have a last-in/first-out (LIFO) behavior, or protocol.

The only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted most ()
A. quickly
B. recentness
C. recently
D. fast

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A () is a data type whose major attributes are determined by the roles governing the insertion and deletion of its elements. The only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted most () . Such a structure is said to have a last-in/first-out (LIFO) behavior, or protocol.

A () is a data type whose major attributes are determined by the roles governing the insertion and deletion of its elements.
A. stack
B. queues
C. pointer
D. record
[单项选择]A (71) is a data type whose major attributes are determined by the rules governing the insertion and deletion of its elements. The only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted most (72) . Such a structure is said to have a last-in/first-out (LIFO) behavior, or protocol.

A. stack
B. queues
C. pointer
D. record
[单项选择]A (71) is a data type whose major attributes are determined by the rules governing the insertion and deletion of its elements. The only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted most (72) . Such a structure is said to have a last-in/first-out (LIFO) behavior, or protocol.

A. stack
B. queues
C. pointer
D. record
[单项选择]A major type of risk that banks face is credit risk or the failure of a counter-party to perform according to a contractual arrangement. This risk applies not only to loans but also to other on-and-off balance sheet exposures such as guarantees, acceptances and securities investments. Serious banking problems have arisen from the failure of banks to recognize impaired assets, to create reserves for writing off these assets, and to suspend recognition of interest income when appropriate.
"Balance Sheet" means the statement on which a bank’s assets and liabilities are listed.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say
[填空题]DCD://Data Carder Detect,载波侦测指示,有时简称CD(Cartier Detect)。当调制解调器收到对方调制解调器送来的信号(载波Carrier)时,此灯会亮,代表已能和对方调制解调器传送 【20】
[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}
A major type of risk that banks face is credit risk or the failure of a counter-party to perform according to a contractual arrangement. This risk applies not only to loans but also to other on-and-off balance sheet exposures such as guarantees, acceptances and securities investments. Serious banking problems have arisen from the failure of banks to recognize impaired assets, to create reserves for writing off these assets, and to suspend recognition of interest income when appropriate.
"Balance Sheet" means the statement on which a bank’s assets and liabilities are listed.
A Major Composer

Ludwig van Beethoven, a major composer of the nineteenth century, overcame many personal problems to achieve artistic greatness.
Born in Bonn, Germany, in 1770, he first studied music with the court organist, Gilles van tier Eeden. His father was excessively strict and given to heavy drinking. (46) . Appointed deputy court organist to Christian Gottlob Neefe at a surprisingly early age in 1782, Beethoven also played the harpsichord and the viola. In 1792 be was sent to Vienna by his patron, Count Ferdinand Waldstein, to study music under Haydn.
Beethoven remained unmarried. (47) Continually plagued by ill health, he developed an ear infection which led to his tragic deafness in 1819.
(48) . He completed mature masterpieces of great musical depth: three piano sonatas, four string quartets, the Missa Solemnis, and the 9th Symphony. He died in 1827. (49)

[单项选择]The Environmental Protection Agency unveiled a detailed proposal Wednesday for using the government’s regulatory powers to curb greenhouse gas emissions—reassuring foreign allies of the U.S. commitment to fight climate change and warning Congress that the administration will act on its own if lawmakers fail to address the issue. The rules would force new or substantially modified industrial plants emitting at least 25,000 tons of greenhouse gases a year to employ "best available control technologies and energy-efficiency measures" to minimize emissions.
The agency unveiled its proposal hours after Senate Democrats introduced their version of the global warming bill that passed the House in June, and as international climate negotiators gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, to prepare for global warming treaty talks in Copenhagen in December. The EPA and Senate actions stoked(激起 ) optimism among environmentalists and others. Some had voiced concern that reaching agreement in Copenhagen
A. The EPA proposes curb on industrial greenhouse gases
B. The great benefit of the new proposal for greenhouse gases
C. The EPA proposal succeeds in prohibiting greenhouse gases
D. The EPA rules encounter legal challenge for greenhouse gases


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