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发布时间:2023-10-10 10:11:52

[单项选择]The tone of the article ______the writer’’s mood at the time.
A. reproduced
B. reflected
C. imagined
D. imitated

更多"The tone of the article ______the w"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The tone of the article ______the writer’’s mood at the time.
A. reproduced
B. reflected
C. imagined
D. imitated
[填空题]What’s the writer’s attitude towards the services of nurses
The writer was ______ with them.


Ever since the 1750s, when the writer, satirist, statesman and inventor Benjamin Franklin put political cartooning on the map by publishing the first cartoon of the genre in America, artists have combined their talent, wit and political beliefs to create cartoons that enrage, enlighten or simply engage the viewer.
A picture may paint a thousand words, but a cartoon provokes, protests and entertains all at once. It is this that makes cartoonists so valuable and influential in times of crisis. Today, that crisis is climate change, and clever imagery can give new impetus to our struggle to combat global warming. The organizers of Earthworks 2008, a global cartoon competition, believe that art and humor are simple ways to get the environmental message across.
"We set up the competition to give cartoonists around the world a platform on which to express themselves," says John Renard, one of the Earthworks organizers. "We hoped the competition would stimu
A. invented satirical cartoons
B. started cartooning on the map
C. initiated publishing cartoons
D. originated political cartoons

[填空题]How was the Writer’s performance at school

[单项选择]In the writer’s opinion, interdisciplinary studies are important because they ______.

A. encourage scholars to concentrate on their own specialisations
B. allow scholars to change disciplines more easily
C. make scholars aware of problems outside their own field
D. allow overworked scholars to relax
[单项选择]The standard writer’s contract features two- tiered compensation, including an ______ issued upon completion of the work, followed by a share of the revenues earned by sales.
A. advance
B. assessment
C. allowance
D. incentive
[填空题]The writer of the article feels that the theories of an AIDS transfer from monkey to man are just as crazy as many other theories.
[单项选择]The writer’s attitude towards the use of the telephone is()
A. affectionate
B. disapproving
C. approving
D. neutral
[填空题]The writer’s purpose is to give smokers some advice on how to give up smoking successfully.
What was the writer’s feelings to his class teacher
[填空题]What do you think is the writer’s attitude toward those left-handers

Does using a word processor affect a writer’s style The medium usually does do something to the message after all, even if Marshall McLuhan’s claim that the medium simply is the message has been heard and largely forgotten now. The question matters. Ray Hammond, in his excellent guide The Writer and the Word Processor (Coronet £2.95 pp224), predicts that over half of the professional writers in Britain and the USA will be using word processors by the end of 1995. The best-known recruit is Len Deighton, from as long ago as 1968, though most users have only started since the micro-computer boom began in 1980.
Ironically word processing is in some ways psychologically more like writing in rough than typing, since it restores fluidity and provisionality to the text. The typist’s dread of having to get out the Tippex, the scissors and paste, or of redoin
A. (A) is done with too little attention
B. (B) produces a sloppy effect
C. (C) is lacking in flow and spontaneity
D. (D) does not encourage one to pick up mistakes


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