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发布时间:2023-12-16 03:21:20

[简答题]None of us ________ (预料到他会出现) at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.

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[简答题]None of us ________ (预料到他会出现) at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.
[填空题]None of us ____________________________ (预料到他会出现) at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.

[简答题]We cannot draw to us more than we believe we are worth. Everything that happens to us and every choice we make is a reflection of what we believe about who we are. Our inspiration comes from our self-acceptance. Our motivation comes from our self-reliance. When we accept ourselves and rely on ourselves, we feel good about ourselves. When you feel good about something, you believe in it. When you believe in it, it will work for you!
[单项选择]Passage Five
In the 1970s many of us thought working outside the home would be liberating for women, freeing them from financial dependence on men and allowing them roles beyond those of wife and mother.
It hasn’t worked out that way. Women’s labor has been bought on the cheap, their working hours have become longer and their family commitments have barely diminished. The reality for most working women is a near impossible feat of working ever harder. There have been new opportunities for some women: professions once closed to them, such as law, have opened up. Women managers are commonplace, though the top boardrooms remain male preserves. Professional and managerial women have done well out of neoliberalism. Their salaries allow them to hire domestic help.
But more women, such as the supermarket or call centre workers; the cook
A. are facing worsening conditions
B. are still dependent on men financially
C. prefer staying at home as housewives
D. find it hard to get fair treatment
[单项选择]Rainforests may store much less carbon than we thought. It could be time to dramatically revise our estimates following the discovery that apparently similar forests hold vastly different amounts of the stuff. The finding is important because there are plans for governments worldwide to compensate tropical countries for protecting their forests as "carbon sinks" to curb global warming. If carbon cannot be counted, then dollars cannot be disbursed (支付).
Greg Asner of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Stanford, California, and colleagues say they used satellite mapping, laser probing of forest undergrowth from aircraft and local ground surveys across a large area of Peruvian rainforest to crack the problem of estimating how much carbon is locked up in forests. But the new technique has revealed a large, previously unknown variability in the density of carbon stored in apparently similar forests.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says that there should be about
A. Forests can’t be used as "carbon sinks".
B. Carbon can’t be stored in rainforest.
C. Compensation can’t be distributed.
D. Global warming can’t be curbed.
[填空题]So we asked our friends to help us.
So we asked our friends ______ ______.


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