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发布时间:2023-10-04 02:17:03


"To get cash out in the 21st century, you won’t need a bank card or a PIN and you even won’t have to move a finger. You will simply have to look the cash machine straight in the eye," declares National Cash Registers, a multinational company that makes automated teller machines, or ATMs.
NCR has shown its first example machine that is believed to be the future of banking. Instead of asking you for your PIN on a screen, the super teller--Stella for short, asks you orally through a loudspeaker to look straight ahead while an infrared camera turns to your head, then your eye, and finally takes an infrared photograph of your iris (虹膜). For identification purposes, an iris picture is better than a fingerprint, with around 256 noticeable characteristics compared with 40 for fingerprints. This means that the chances of someone else being recognized in your place is about 1 in 1020. Once you’ve been identified, Stella greets you by name and
A. Stella.

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"To get cash out in the 21st century, you won’t need a bank card or a PIN and you even won’t have to move a finger. You will simply have to look the cash machine straight in the eye," declares National Cash Registers, a multinational company that makes automated teller machines, or ATMs.
NCR has shown its first example machine that is believed to be the future of banking. Instead of asking you for your PIN on a screen, the super teller--Stella for short, asks you orally through a loudspeaker to look straight ahead while an infrared camera turns to your head, then your eye, and finally takes an infrared photograph of your iris (虹膜). For identification purposes, an iris picture is better than a fingerprint, with around 256 noticeable characteristics compared with 40 for fingerprints. This means that the chances of someone else being recognized in your place is about 1 in 1020. Once you’ve been identified, Stella greets you by name and
A. need a bank card
B. have to put in your PIN
C. move your finger
D. just look directly at the teller machine

[填空题]According to the author, you won’t get your money’s worth from your textbook only by reading it.

[简答题]Peter has won the first prize at the 21st Century Speech Contest. Write a note of congratulations to him.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.


W: Did you get the part you tried out in the play
M: That role was given to someone else, but I got a better part.

How does the man probably feel()
A. Happy.
B. Disappointed.
C. Surprised.

You probably won’t be shocked to find out that the inventor of tire rubber is Charles Goodyear, as he’s the only guy on the list to actually get his name attached to the end product. (46) It wasn’t easy coming up with a form of rubber tough enough to withstand the drag racing and car chases everyone envisioned the day the automobile was invented. In fact, if there was one man who should have given up his life dream, it was Goodyear. (47)The man spent time in and out of prison, lost every friend he had and starved his children in his tireless pursuit of a stronger form of rubber.
(48) After his first two years of tinkering and failing with primitive rubber in the 1830s, Goodyear and his family were camping out in an abandoned factory and fishing for sustenance. This is when he made a huge breakthrough: He’d use acid to smooth out and toughen rubber! The government bought 150 mailbags made of the stuff and the rest is...

"To get cash out in the 21st century, you won’t need a bank card or a PIN and you even won’t have to move a finger. You will simply have to look the cash machine straight in the eye," declares National Cash Registers, a multinational company that makes automated teller machines, or ATMs.
NCR has shown its first example machine that is believed to be the future of banking. Instead of asking you for your PIN on a screen, the super teller--Stella for short, asks you orally through a loudspeaker to look straight ahead while an infrared camera turns to your head, then your eye, and finally takes an infrared photograph of your iris (虹膜). For identification purposes, an iris picture is better than a fingerprint, with around 256 noticeable characteristics compared with 40 for fingerprints. This means that the chances of someone else being
A. Stella.

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