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发布时间:2023-10-22 06:40:50

[填空题]Students do it after class.

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[填空题]Students do it after class.
[单项选择]Man: How do most students find a job after they graduate
Woman: They usually look for a job by searching the want ads in the newspaper.
Question: What does the woman mean()。
A. Most students would like to work for a newspaper.
B. Most students find a job by reading advertisements.
C. Most students find it hard to get a job by reading advertisements.
D. Most students don’t want jobs advertised in the newspapers.
[单项选择]What’s the more important thing students should do [A] Study hard to pass the exams. [B] Put some energy into learn how to learn. [C] Get on well with your professors and classmates.
[单项选择]What did the speaker ask the students to do the week before
[A] Write a short story. [B] Prepare for the lesson.
[C] Learn more about the writer. [D] Help their mother.
[填空题]What do American students try to do in class They try to ______ in working out problems by themselves.
[填空题]Why do some students do better than others To find out, the Reader’s Digest invited 2,130 high-school seniors to take a special academic test and then answer a list of personal questions. Among the poll’s top findings:
Strong families give kids an edge in school. For instance, students who lived with two parents scored high more often on our test than students who didn’t. Students who regularly shared mealtimes with their families tested better than those who didn’t. This "family gap" showed up for students of all backgrounds.
Today’s youth are far more optimistic about themselves and their futures than is generally believed. Four of five were confident. They would be able to "make things better for myself and for other people." Almost the same number described their lives at home as "pretty good" or "wonderful".
As has been in other polls, not all groups tested equally well. Children with college-educated parents tested better than kids whose parents didn’t go pa
[填空题]The teacher with all his students (do)()long distance running in the morning.

What do American high school students have to do if they want to go to college
A. They have to take national college entrance exams.
B. They need not do anything except for paying the tuition fee.
C. They have to make a phone call to the university president.
D. They have to find out the basic requirements and apply for entrance.
[填空题]The teacher with all his students (do) ______ long distance running in the morning.
[单项选择]After final examination, college students who have left their homes for a long time look forward to()as soon as possible.
A. be going home
B. go home
C. be gone
D. going home
[单项选择]What were the students going to do
A. Nervous.
B. Afraid.
C. Thankful.


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