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发布时间:2024-07-28 18:32:46

[单项选择]Common cold is a viral infection that starts in the upper respiratory tract, sometimes spreads to the lower structures, and may contribute secondary infeeti9ns in the eyes or middle ears. The main differences between the common cold and other respiratory infections are the absence of fever and the relative mildness of the symptoms.
About 200 different strains of virus are capable of producing colds. Frequently two or more different viruses can be isolated during a single episode. The cold is spread by person-to-person contact. People can carry the virus and communicate it without themselves experiencing any of the symptoms. Incubation is short—usually one to four days. The viruses start spreading from an infected person before the symptoms appear, and the spread reaches its peak during the symptomatic phase. The incidence of colds peaks during the autumn, and minor epidemics commonly Occur throughout the winter. The reason for this incidence is unknown; it may not stem mainly from
A. the causes
B. the definition
C. the incubation
D. the spreading

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[单项选择]Common cold is a viral infection that starts in the upper respiratory tract, sometimes spreads to the lower structures, and may contribute secondary infeeti9ns in the eyes or middle ears. The main differences between the common cold and other respiratory infections are the absence of fever and the relative mildness of the symptoms.
About 200 different strains of virus are capable of producing colds. Frequently two or more different viruses can be isolated during a single episode. The cold is spread by person-to-person contact. People can carry the virus and communicate it without themselves experiencing any of the symptoms. Incubation is short—usually one to four days. The viruses start spreading from an infected person before the symptoms appear, and the spread reaches its peak during the symptomatic phase. The incidence of colds peaks during the autumn, and minor epidemics commonly Occur throughout the winter. The reason for this incidence is unknown; it may not stem mainly from
A. a hereditary disease
B. generally accompanied with mild fever
C. a kind of popular respiratory infection
D. caused by spending a lot of time outdoors in chilly weather

Your heart suddenly starts pounding so hard you think it’s going to leap right out of your chest. You’re sweating even though it’s cold out. You feel unsteady on your feet and generally shaky, like the world around you is spinning out of control and you can’t get a grip. Your hands and feet are numb and useless. You’re gasping for breath and feel like you’re drowning.

(41)__________Genetics may be part of the explanation; women are more prone to anxiety or depression, and a history of these mood disorders makes you more likely to have a panic attack. But unhappy life experiences may also increase women’s vulnerability.

A particularly active area of research at the moment is the effect of hormones. Women seem most susceptible to panic attacks during times of hormonal changes, such as adolescence, pregnancy, and so on. Dr. Lilian Gonsalves, psychology at the Cleveland Clinic, says some scientists think that hormonal fl


Woman living alone
in a cold, wet flat

Mrs. Thriscott is 68 years old. She used to live alone on the top floor of an old house. Her flat was cold, wet and full of draughts(风); there was no hot water, and it was virtually impossible for her to keep warm. When she wanted to go out, she faced climbing up and down a hundred steps in all.
Then she applied to Help the Aged for a new flat. Since she moved into the new place which Help the Aged has provided, Mrs Thriscott is a changed woman. "My great thrill (兴奋), of course, is hot baths every day. I’ve never been cold since I’ve been here. My health is wonderful, perfect! People tell me I look years younger."
Help the Aged also helps provide day centers where old people find care and companion-ship.
Because of loans available to Help the Aged every £2 you give provides £40 of housing.
£150 donation (捐赠) manes (命名) a flat in memory


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