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发布时间:2023-10-21 17:27:10

[填空题]When choosing new partners, one is often attracted to another person ______ his/ her partner.

更多"When choosing new partners, one is "的相关试题:

[填空题]When choosing new partners, one is often attracted to another person ______ his/her partner.

[单项选择]When can one buy cigarettes
[单项选择]Shoes are often ______ when they are new.
A. staff
B. stuff
C. stiff
D. stuffy

One hotnight July, when our new baby wouldn’t or couldn’t sleep, I tried everything I could think of: a warm bottle, songs, gentle rocking. Nothing would settle him. Guessing that I had a long night ahead of me, I brought a portable TV into his room, figuring that watching the late movie was as good a way as any to kill off the hours until dawn. To my surprise, as soon as the TV lit up, the baby quieted right down, his little eyes focused brightly on the tube. Not to waste an opportunity for sleep. I then tip-toed out of the room, leaving him to watch the actors celebrate John Bellushi’ s forty-fifth birthday. My wife and I heard no more of the baby that night, and the next morning when I went into his room, I found him still watching TV himself.
I found in my baby’s behavior a metaphor (暗喻) for the new generation. My wife and I had hiven him some books to examine, but he merely spit upon them. When we read to him, he did not feel comfortable. And
A. make his son stop crying
B. spend the night watching TV
C. leave it to his son
D. make his son fall asleep as soon as possible

[单项选择]One hotnight July, when our new baby wouldn’t or couldn’t sleep, I tried everything I could think of: a warm bottle, songs, gentle rocking. Nothing would settle him. Guessing that I had a long night ahead of me, I brought a portable TV into his room, figuring that watching the late movie was as good a way as any to kill off the hours until dawn. To my surprise, as soon as the TV lit up, the baby quieted right down, his little eyes focused brightly on the tube. Not to waste an opportunity for sleep. I then tip-toed out of the room, leaving him to watch the actors celebrate John Bellushi’ s forty-fifth birthday. My wife and I heard no more of the baby that night, and the next morning when I went into his room, I found him still watching TV himself.
I found in my baby’s behavior a metaphor (暗喻) for the new generation. My wife and I had hiven him some books to examine, but he merely spit upon them. When we read to him, he did not feel comfortable. And so it is in the schools. We fin
A. make his son stop crying
B. spend the night watching TV
C. leave it to his son
D. make his son fall asleep as soon as possible
[单项选择]When can one get the Application forms for MBA
A. November or December
B. September or October
C. July or August
D. May or June
[单项选择]Parents are often upset when their children praise the homes of their friends and regard it as a slur (诋毁) on their own cooking, or cleaning, or furniture, and often are foolish enough to let the adolescents see that they are annoyed. They may even accuse them of disloyalty, or make some spiteful remark about the friends’ parents. Such a loss of dignity and descent into childish behavior on the part of the adults deeply shocks the adolescents, and makes them resolve that in future they will not talk to their parents about the place or people they visit. Before very long the parents will be complaining that the child is so secretive and never tells them anything, but they seldom realize that they have brought this on themselves.
Disillusionment with the parents, however good and adequate they may be both as parents and as individuals, is to some degree inevitable. Most children have such a high ideal of their parents, unless the parents themselves have been unsatisfactory, that it
A. Critical.
B. Humorous.
C. Serious.
D. Ambiguous.


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