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发布时间:2023-12-11 22:35:11

[单项选择]A mobile phone is no longer just a phone -- it is also a music player, video camera and personal organizer. And mobile phones with television programming are just around the corner. But the more functions cell phone manufacturers add, the greater the amount of power the phones use and the less practical running them on lithium (锂) batteries becomes -- so the race to find a viable alternative is on.
Two of the world’s biggest electronics makers, Hitachi and Toshiba, are currently competing against each other to come up with an alternative, most likely to be micro fuel cells. The task has been set by Japan’s second largest mobile phone provider, KDDI, which wants its customers to soon be able to use special television programming on their handsets, and has asked the two electronics companies to come up with a better power source. Hitomi Murakami, of KDDI, says battery-operated mobile phones cannot keep up with the new applications. "We’re looking at various ways to expand content an

更多"A mobile phone is no longer just a "的相关试题:

[单项选择]A mobile phone is no longer just a phone -- it is also a music player, video camera and personal organizer. And mobile phones with television programming are just around the corner. But the more functions cell phone manufacturers add, the greater the amount of power the phones use and the less practical running them on lithium (锂) batteries becomes -- so the race to find a viable alternative is on.
Two of the world’s biggest electronics makers, Hitachi and Toshiba, are currently competing against each other to come up with an alternative, most likely to be micro fuel cells. The task has been set by Japan’s second largest mobile phone provider, KDDI, which wants its customers to soon be able to use special television programming on their handsets, and has asked the two electronics companies to come up with a better power source. Hitomi Murakami, of KDDI, says battery-operated mobile phones cannot keep up with the new applications. "We’re looking at various ways to expand content
A. sweep the way for increasing functions of cell phones
B. attach their phones to a television powered by battery
C. raise conflicts between the two largest electronic firms
D. put the battery-operated phones into disuse
[多项选择]Nowadays mobile phone is no longer a strange term to college students. Please write an essay of about 120 words, making reference to the following points:
(1) With the uplifting living standards, more and more college students have their own mobile phones.
(2)There are many reasons for such a phenomenon.
(3)My viewpoints are ...

Mobile Phone Manners
Mobile phones have changed the way we communicate (交流); they have also brought about problems in phone manners (礼仪). Gaik Lira, a Singapore-based advisor, has some advice on phone manners.
When dealing with missed calls, the person being called should return the call. "Calls should be returned as soon as possible, and no later than the following day. Anything later than that, and an apology or a reason for the delay should go with the call. "
Text messages should be kept short and to the point. If they go beyond four or five lines, call or e-mail instead. "The use of short forms should be among family members and friends, never in a business situation. "
Speak in a low voice as if you were talking to someone next to you. If the connection is bad, don’t raise your voice in order to be heard, simply move to another place where the connection may be better. And if that doesn’t work, tell the caller
A. Text an apology to the caller.
B. Call back if it is from abroad.
C. Wait till the caller calls again.
D. Return the call as early as one can.

[单项选择]Whose mobile phone is it
A. It’s Merry’s.
B. It’s Mike’s.
C. It’s Jack’s.
[简答题]part 1 Mobile Phones Do you have a mobile phone (= "a cell phone") Is your cell phone important for you in your daily life What do you use it for How often do you use it When did you get it How did you get your first mobile phone How did you feel when you got your first mobile phone What feature (or, function) of your cell phone do you like the best Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones
[单项选择]—Hey, Molly, you ______ on the phone just now. But you weren’t here and the man left a phone number.
—Oh I was in the library.
A. want
B. are wanted
C. were wanted
[简答题]旅游的一个island mobile phone

Text 2

It is no longer just dirty blue-collar jobs in manufacturing that are being sucked offshore but also white-collar service jobs, which used to be considered safe from foreign competition. Telecoms charges have tumbled, allowing workers in far-flung locations to be connected cheaply to customers in the developed world. This has made it possible to offshore services that were once non-tradable. Morgan Stanley’s Mr. Roach has been drawing attention to the fact that the "global labour arbitrage" is moving rapidly to the better kinds of jobs. It is no longer just basic data processing and call centres that are being outsourced to low-wage countries, but also software programming, medical diagnostics, engineering design, law, accounting, finance and business consulting. These can now be delivered electronically from anywhere in the world, exposing skilled white-collar workers to greater competition.
The standard retort to such a
A. the standard retort to the arguments
B. off-shoring and the resulting income
C. the future off-shoring
D. the counter-measures at hand
[单项选择]It is no longer just dirty blue-collar jobs in manufacturing that are being sucked offshore but also white-collar service jobs, which used to be considered safe from foreign competition. Telecoms charges have tumbled, allowing workers in far-flung locations to be connected cheaply to customers in the developed world. This has made it possible to offshore services that were once non-tradable. Morgan Stanley’s Mr. Roach has been drawing attention to the fact that the "global labour arbitrage" is moving rapidly to the better kinds of jobs. It is no longer just basic data processing and call centres that are being outsourced to low-wage countries, but also software programming, medical diagnostics, engineering design, law, accounting, finance and business consulting. These can now be delivered electronically from anywhere in the world, exposing skilled white-collar workers to greater competition.
The standard retort to such arguments is that outsourcing abroad is too small to matter m
A. Alan Blinder, an economist at Princeton University, believes that most economists are underestimating the disruptive effects of off-shoring, and that in future two to three times as many service jobs will be susceptible to off-shoring as in manufacturing. This would imply that at least 30% of all jobs might be at risk. In practice the number of jobs off-shored to China or India is likely to remain fairly modest. Even so, the mere threat that they could be shifted will depress wages.
B. Moreover, says Mr. Blinder, education offers no protection. Highly skilled accountants, radiologists or computer programmers now have to compete with electronically delivered competition from abroad, whereas humble taxi drivers, janitors and crane operators remain safe from off-shoring. This may help to explain why the real median wage of American graduates has fallen by 6% since 9000, a bigger decline than in average wages.
C. In the 1980s and early 1990s, the pay gap between low-paid, low-skilled workers and high-paid, high-skilled Workers widened significantly. But since then, according to a study by David Autor, Lawrence Katz and Melissa Kearney, in America, Britain and Germany workers at the bottom as well as at the top have done better than those in the middle-income group. Office cleaning cannot be done by workers in India. It is the easily standardised skilled jobs in the middle, such as accounting, that are now being squeezed hardest. A study by Bradford Jensen and Lori Kletzer, at the Institute for International Economics in Washington D. C., confirms that workers in tradable services that are exposed to foreign competition tend to be more skilled than workers in non-tradable services and tradable manufacturing industries.


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