Analysts have their go at humor, and I
have read some of this interpretative literature, (1) without
being greatly instructed. Humor can be (2) , (3)
a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards are
(4) to any but the pure scientific mind. One of the things (5) said about humorists is that they are really very sad ’people clowns with a breaking heart. There is some truth in it, but it is badly (6) . It would be more (7) , I think, to say that there is a deep vein of melancholy running through everyone’s life and that the humorist, perhaps more (8) of it than some others, compensates for it actively and (9) Humorists fatten on t A. disgusting B. discouraging C. discounting D. dismissing [判断题]利用绳索下滑训练时,必须控制下滑速度,严禁急降、急停;严禁在着地处设置缓冲垫。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]查找资料了解什么是LAMP服务器?它的需要哪些程序?
[单选题]按照国家颁布的个人分红保障精神规定,红利分配的方式包括:( )
A.现金红利和增额红利 B.资产红利和负债红利 C.期首红利和期末红利 D.即期红利和延期红利 [判断题]根据《企业职工伤亡事故分类标准》(GB6441-1986)规定,起重机械引起的打击伤害属于物体打击。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]
Peak-End Phenomenon In the psychology of memory and its reliability, one of the most important phenomena is the "peak-end" phenomenon. In simple terms, the two most important factors in how people remember an experience are its end and its peak. Namely, people tend to have the most vivid impressions about the most intense part and end segment of something they experienced. These findings suggest that memory is sometimes a poor guide in assessing the overall tenor of events. The ability to generalize tends to be overwhelmed by one or two striking moments as outlined above. Question: Using the information from the lecture, explain how the professor’s memory of his vacation in Alaska demonstrates the peak-end phenomenon in the reading passage. Now hear a talk on the same subject. [单选题]钢梁油漆时,当除锈完毕涂完第一道底漆后,由于下雨耽误了10天,应( ),再进行第二道底漆作业。
A.喷砂除去旧漆膜 B.用抹布除浮灰 C.用砂布打磨后 D.刮刀除去旧漆膜 [填空题]某数据库中有表Tabk_Goods(GoodsID,GoodsClassID,GoodsName,SaleUnitPrice)和表Table_GoodsClass(GoodsClassID,GoodsClassName),对家用电器类商品进行分类显示,如果商品的单价(SaleUnitPrice)高于3000,则显示’高档商品’;如果单价在1000~3000之间,则显示’中档商品’;如果单价低于1000,则显示’低档商品’。完成下列的SQL语句。
SELECT GoodsName,SaleUnitPrice,Type= CASE ______ ______ ______ END FROM ______ ON______ WHERE GoodsClassName=’家用电器’ [单项选择]在轴突运输中起重要作用的结构是().
A. 滑面内质网 B. 微丝 C. 突触小泡 D. 微管 [多选题]下列说法错误的是( )。
A.正当防卫超过必要限度造成重大损害的不负刑事责任 B.具有社会危害性的行为都是犯罪 C.犯罪以后自动投案,如实供述自己的罪行的,是自首 D.已满14周岁不满18周岁的人犯罪,可以从轻或者减轻处罚 [判断题]柴油发动机工作中一旦发现机油压力过低,应及时停车,检查油底壳有无漏油,机油量是否符合要求等。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]转动YJ27接装机控制面板上的印位调节电位器,可通过伺服电机带动()上的压纸轮装置转动。
[多选题]税收筹划的主要原则有( )。
A.系统性原则 B.事先性原则 C.合法性原则 D.时效性原则 E.资料完整原则 [多选题]用电信息采集系统采集的电表示值出现飞走可能的原因有( )。
A.远程通信故障 B.电表故障 C.终端故障 D.共用终端地址 [单选题]密封胶的特征及要求?
A.耐温; B.耐油; C.耐水; D.以上都是 [单选题]某药品生产企业为了提高某处方药的销量,拟开展广告宣传。下列药品广告宣传方式中,符合规定的是
A.在广告中对其适应症和药理作用进行介绍 B.邀请某患者在广告中介绍自己服药后效果 C.在电影放映前的广告中由某演员服用该药,以观众为对象进行广告宣传 D.在广告中介绍其药品是与某国外医科大学药物研究中心合作研发 [判断题]交流配电柜将UPS单元输出端接入配电装置的输入端进行分配,输出至有关弱电设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]由于工作特点,拨车机传动机构采用()。
A. ZSY180减速器 B. 圆柱齿轮减速器 C. NZL2?30型立式行星减速器 D. 行星摆线针轮减速机 [单项选择]支气管哮喘急性发作患者血气分析PaCO2增高提示()
A. 出现呼吸性碱中毒 B. 病情好转 C. 病情恶化 D. 没有临床意义 E. 出现心衰 [判断题]矿山固定排水设备安装于水仓水位警戒线之下。
A. 释迦牟尼、阿弥陀 B. 释迦牟尼、卢舍那 C. 释迦牟尼、多宝 D. 释迦牟尼、弥勒 [单选题]:危险货物道路运输随车携带的单据,下列选项不属于的是( )。
A.道路运输危险货物安全卡 B.运单或者电子运单 C.道路危险货物运输从业资格证 D.车辆检测报告 我来回答: 提交