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发布时间:2023-09-28 04:22:53

[单项选择]Passage Three
For centuries, explorers have risked their lives venturing into the unknown for reasons that were to varying degrees economic and nationalistic (国家主义的). Columbus went west to look for better trade routes to the Orient and to promote the greater glory of Spain. Lewis and Clark journeyed into the American wilderness to find out what the U. S. had acquired when it purchased Louisiana, and the Appolo astronauts rocketed to the moon in a dramatic show of technological muscle during the cold war.
Although their missions blended commercial and political military imperatives, the explorers involved all accomplished some significant science simply by going where no scientists had gone before.
Today Mars looms (隐约出现) as humanity’s next great terra incognita (未探明之地). And with growing emphasis on international cooperation in large spa
A. to display their country’s military might
B. to accomplish some significant science
C. to find new areas for colonization
D. to pursue commercial and state interests

更多"Passage Three For centuri"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage Three
For centuries, explorers have risked their lives venturing into the unknown for reasons that were to varying degrees economic and nationalistic (国家主义的). Columbus went west to look for better trade routes to the Orient and to promote the greater glory of Spain. Lewis and Clark journeyed into the American wilderness to find out what the U. S. had acquired when it purchased Louisiana, and the Appolo astronauts rocketed to the moon in a dramatic show of technological muscle during the cold war.
Although their missions blended commercial and political military imperatives, the explorers involved all accomplished some significant science simply by going where no scientists had gone before.
Today Mars looms (隐约出现) as humanity’s next great terra incognita (未探明之地). And with growing emphasis on international cooperation in large spa
A. international cooperation
B. nationalistic reasons
C. scientific research
D. long-term profits
[单项选择]Passage Three
A. Keeping away from the lonely person
B. Offering a hand to the lonely person.
C. Raising the lonely person’s daily emotion.
D. Developing the lonely person’s trust in others.


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