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发布时间:2023-10-20 00:27:29

[单项选择]One day a poor man was cutting a tree near a river. Suddenly his old axe(斧子) fell in-to the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe. Then a fairy (tiller) came out and asked him what was the matter.
"I have lost my axe." he said, "It fell into the water when I was cutting the tree."
The fairy showed him a gold axe and asked, "Is that yours "
"No." said the man.
The fairy then showed him a silver (银) axe and asked again, "is this yours "
"No." again answered the man. Then she showed him the old axe.
"Yes, that is mine." called out the happy man.
"I know it." said the fairy, "1 only wanted to see whether you are honest, and now I’ll give you the gold axe and the silver axe with the old one./

What happened while the poor man was cutting a tree near a river
A. He fell into the river.
B. He lost his axe.
C. His axe fell into the river.

更多"One day a poor man was cutting a tr"的相关试题:

[单项选择]One day a poor man was cutting a tree near a river. Suddenly his old axe(斧子) fell in-to the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe. Then a fairy (tiller) came out and asked him what was the matter.
"I have lost my axe." he said, "It fell into the water when I was cutting the tree."
The fairy showed him a gold axe and asked, "Is that yours "
"No." said the man.
The fairy then showed him a silver (银) axe and asked again, "is this yours "
"No." again answered the man. Then she showed him the old axe.
"Yes, that is mine." called out the happy man.
"I know it." said the fairy, "1 only wanted to see whether you are honest, and now I’ll give you the gold axe and the silver axe with the old one./

How many axes did the man have
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
[单项选择]One day, a poor man, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was walking past a restaurant. There was a large pot of soup on the table. The poor man held his bread over the soup, so the steam from the soup went into the bread, and gave it a good smell’. Then he ate the bread.
The restaurant owner was very angry at this, and he asked the man for money, in exchange for the steam from the soup. The poor man had no money, so the restaurant owner took him to Nasreddin, who was a judge at that time. Nasreddin thought about this case for a little while.
Then he took some money from his pocket. He held the coins next to the restaurant owner’s ear, and shook them, so that they made a jingling noise.
"What was that " asked the restaurant owner.
"That was payment for you," answered Nasreddin.
"What do you mean That was just the sound of coins!" protested the restaurant owner.
"The sound of the coins is payment for the smell of the soup," answered Nasre
A. Right.
B. Wrong.
C. Doesn’t say.

One day a man gave an ad. in most of the newspapers in England, saying that he himself was a young man of millions of pounds and of great knowledge. He’s like to choose a girl to be his wife, and the girl must be like the one in the books written by Somerest Maugham.
This ad. was at once known by thousands of parents and young girls. Parents went to bookstores to look for the book written by Somerest Maugham. They bought those books for their daughters as presents. Girls tried to get those books to read. They wanted to know what kind of person the rich man wished for.
Before long all the books written by Somerest Maugham were sold out and the writer was known all over the country.
Who was the richest man It was Somerest Maugham himself. The ad. saved his books, and it also made him famous.

Why did Somerest Maugham give the ad. in the newspaper ( )
A. He wanted to make himself a great storywriter.
B. He wanted to choose the best girl to be his wife.
C. He wanted to be the best bookseller and be rich.
D. He wanted to write more books.
[单项选择]Passage Five
One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you" "You don’t owe me anything," she replied. He said, "Then I thank you from my heart. ’
Years later that young woman became critically iii. The local doctors sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, he rose immediately and ’went to her room.
A. he wanted to help support his family
B. he needed money for school
C. he had to pay back a student loan
D. he did not have enough pocket money
[单项选择]One day a man came to a hospital.
"What’s the matter with you " asked the doctor.
"I have a headache every morning when I get up," said the man.
The doctor looked over him carefully. "Well, nothing serious now," he said. "But you must stop doing headwork for a week or so.
"But doctor, "replied the man. "It’s impossible, because it is my living."
"Oh, what a pity," said the doctor. "Are you a writer, then "
"Oh, no, said the man." I am a barber./

There was something wrong with his head.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say


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