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发布时间:2024-01-21 19:43:12

[填空题]Some rural African were infected with AIDS because they were given injections of Koprowski’s vaccine.

更多"Some rural African were infected wi"的相关试题:

[填空题]People in the rural areas were made fun of because they celebrated the New Year______________.
[填空题]Because the disease of AIDS damages the immune system of a person, the person has less ability to defend himself from infection and disease.

[填空题]It is because of HIV/AIDS that the supply of young graduates are drying up.

[简答题]______ may receive some financial aids from the college.


Why was the bike unusual Because its wheels were of ______ .
[单项选择]A. Because the Iranians were not good at making money.
B. Because she wasn’t rich yet as a college student.
C. Because she felt thankful for having the chance to visit Iran.
D. Because she had acquired the good Iranian personality.
[单项选择]A. The team lost because the players were absent-minded.
B. He was impressed by the efforts of the team.
C. The woman is wrong about who won the game.
D. The players could have won if they’d tried harder.
[填空题]Because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously, he ____________ (成了这个案件中唯一的证人)
Text 3

Because some resources must be allocated at the national level, we have created policies which reflect the aggregated attributes of our society. The federal budget determines the proportion of federal resources to be invested in social welfare programs and how these resources are distributed among competing programs. The budget is arrived at through a reiterative aggregative political process which mediates the claims of groups interested in health, education, welfare, and so on, thus socializing the continuing conflict generated by their separate aspirations. The test of whether a policy is "good" under this system is whether it can marshal sufficient legitimacy and consent to provide a basis for cohesion and action. Technical criteria may play a role in the process, but the ultimate criteria are political and social.
Whether a policy that is "good" in the aggregate sense is also "good
A. Policies designed to meet the needs of a large group of inherently people imperfect and should be scaled down.
B. Policies created by the democratic process are less effective than policies designed by a single, concentrated body of authority.
C. The effectiveness of a social policy depends more’ upon the manner in which the policy is administered than upon its initial design.
D. Since policies created on the federal level are inherently ineffective, all federal social welfare programs should be discontinued.

[填空题]Some improvements were made in radio communication during World War Ⅱ.


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