The Red Cross is (61)
organization which cares for people who are in (62) of
help. A man in a Paris hospital who needs blood, a woman in Mexico who was
injured (63) an earthquake, and a family in India
(64) lost their home in a storm may all (65) by
the Red Cross. The Red Cross exists in almost every country (66) the world. The World Red Cross Organizations are sometimes called the Red Crescent(新月), the Red Mogen David, the Sun, and the Red Lion. All of these agencies (67) a common goal of try A. around B. on C. within D. of [多项选择]下列有关线路纵横断面的测绘的说法错误的是( )。
A. 断面是根据外业测量资料绘制而成,非常直观地体现地面现状的起伏状况 B. 线路的横断面是以中平测量的要求测出各里程桩的高程,绘制表示沿线起伏的情况 C. 线路的纵断面是在各中桩处测定垂直于道路中线方向的地面起伏情况 D. 绘制横断面的纵横比例尺相同,一般采用1:100或1:200 E. 线路纵断面图采用直角坐标法绘制,以中桩的里程为横坐标,比例尺通常表示为1:2000或1:1000 [多选题]设定和实施行政许可,应当依照法定的()。
A.权限 B.范围 C.条件 D.程序 [单选题]脉象八要素不包括的是
A.5 B.脉位 C.脉率 D.脉伏 E.脉长 F.脉势 [判断题]行政事业单位遗失资金往来结算票据的,应及时在县级以上新闻媒体上声明作废,并将遗失原因等有关情况,以书面形式报送原核发资金往来结算票据的财政票据监管机构备案。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]只要商品的数量在增加,消费者得到的总效用就一定在增加。
[单项选择]清政府的中央警察机关是( )
A. “巡警部” B. “警务学堂” C. “巡警局” D. “巡警学校” [单选题]食管重建术首选( )代食管
A. 结肠 B. 空肠 C. 盲肠 D. 胃 [单选题]关于防静电服的使用与维护,下列表述错误的是( )。
A.防静电服必须与防静电鞋配套使用,不允许在易燃易爆的场所穿脱。 B.穿着时,先穿好裤子,然后穿上衣,再把帽子、手套、脚套全部依次戴好。 C.使用时,为确保效果,应当在防静电服上附加金属物件。 D.防静电服应用清水洗涤,必要时可以加适量的皂液,然后晾干。洗涤时应小心,不可损伤服装纤维。 [填空题]系统设计报告的主要内容是 【13】 状况。
[单选题]发动机工作时,气门产生干脆有节奏的连续敲击声是由于( )。
A. 点火过早 B. 点火过晚 C. 气门间隙过小 D. 气门间隙过大 [单选题]当同一施工地点有两台以上塔机时,应保持两机间任何接近部位(包括吊重物)距离不 得小于()。
A.0.6m B.0.8m C.1.5m D.2m [填空题]
Can you imagine that ice does not melt and is not wet Have you ever heard of dry ice Dry ice is made by freezing a gas. It is quite different from ordinary ice which is simply frozen water. Dry ice was first manufactured in 1925. It has since fulfilled the hopes of its inventor. It can be used for making artificial fog in the movies. When steam is passed over dry ice, a very dense vapor rises. It can also be used for destroying insects in grain supplies. It is more practical than ordinary ice because it takes up less space and it is 142 degrees colder. Since it turns into stream, instead of melting into water, it is cleaner to use. For these masons, it is extremely popular and many people prefer it to ordinary ice. Dry ice is so cold that if you touch it with your bare fingers, it will bums you. [单选题]16、卷材防水屋面采用搭接法时,上下两层卷材长边接缝应错开不小于( ).
A. 1/5幅宽 B. 1/3 或 1/2 幅宽 C.1/4幅宽 D. 一幅宽 [单选题]某加工厂用电负荷为250kW,则该加工厂宜采用( )供电。
A.220V B.380V C.10kV D.20kV [单选题]“C类火灾”为气体火灾。如煤气、天然气、甲烷、甲醇、氢气、乙炔、乙醇等。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交