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发布时间:2023-11-02 21:54:26


W: Professor Weston, could I speak to you
M: Come in please, Jenny. How can I help you
W: I need to get your signature on my schedule card here, on the line above advisor’s approval.
M: Sure, but let’s look at it over together first. How many courses do you have here
W: Six.
M: Six That’s quite a heavy load. Any particular reason
W: I had to drop my chemistry course last semester when I was in a hospital, so. I need to take it gain.
M: So you’ve already learnt a lot of the material.
W: Right. And calculus is a part of the third year requirement.
M: Let’s see, chemistry. Oh I see you’ll be in my seminar on modern American novels.
W: Yes, I’m looking forward to it and the romantic poetry seminar, too.
M: Two seminars That is rather a lot. Can you handle the work
W: I think so. I know it’s a graduate course and I’m only a junior, but..

更多"W: Professor Weston, could I speak "的相关试题:

[填空题]None of us could speak the language (speak) () in that area, so we took an interpreter with us.
[填空题]None of us could speak the language (speak)()in that area, so we took an interpreter with us.
[填空题]They both liked London because they could speak English at a bar or a restaurant.


W: Could I speak to you for a few minutes, Mr. Sherwin
M: I’ m very busy at the moment Can’ t it wait until tomorrow
W: Uh... well, it’ s rather urgent. And it won’ t take long.
M: Oh, all right. What ’ s it
W: It’ s a personal matter. Uh, you see, my husband is ill and has gone into hospital.
M: Sorry to hear that. ’But why do you want to talk to me about it
W: Because I’ d like to stay at home for a few days.
M: But why I think you’ 11 be going to hospital to look after your husband.
W: Just a few days. I need to look after both my husband and my little daughter.
M: Well, you’ d better stay at home on Friday, as well
W: That’ s very kind of you.

What’ s the possible relationship between the two persons( ).
A. Teacher & student.
B. Employer & employee.
C. Friends
D. Husband & wife
[简答题]I wish I could speak English as fluent as native speakers do.

W: Could I speak to you for a few minutes, Mr. Sherwin
M: I’ m very busy at the moment. Can’t it wait until tomorrow
W: Uh... well, it’ s rather urgent. And it won’ t take long,
M: Oh, all right. What’s it
W: It’ s a personal matter. Uh, you see, my husband is ill and has gone into hospital.
M: Sorry to hear that. But why do you want to talk to me about it
W: Because I’ d like to stay at home for a few days.
M: But why I think you’ll be going to hospital to look after your husband.
W: Just a few days. I need to look after both my husband and my little daughter.
M: Well, you’ d better stay at home on Friday, as well.
W: That’s very kind of you.

What’ s the possible relationship between the two persons ()
A. Teacher & student.
B. Employer & employee.
C. Friends.
D. Husband & wife.


()surprised me was()he could speak english so well.

A. what,how
B. what,that
C. that,that
D. whom,that
[单项选择]I could speak ______ Japanese ______ Chinese, so I had to talk with him in English.
A. not only; but also
B. both; and
C. neither; nor
D. either; or
[填空题]Could I speak to Ms Johnson, please
[填空题]What languages could his parents speak


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