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发布时间:2024-07-31 02:36:34

[单项选择]When the Dow rockets 300 points or the stocks of retailers, say, get decimated, I devour the news. Here’s my admission: I’m a buy-and-hold investor, and a lazy one at that. My employer prohibits us news folks to trade equities on a short-term basis, but even if it didn’t, I’d still buy and hold.
The bulk of my portfolio is in two retirement accounts, and neither stock-market gyrations nor major financial earthquakes prompt me to tweak my allocations. I simply hold a fairly routine mix of low-cost U.S. and international-stock mutual funds, plus a bond fund, and I stick to it.
Sure, the markets get volatile but I figure that, eventually, average historical returns will work in my favor. And, to my mind, stock-market trading, if you’re not spending many hours a week working on it, is little more than a guessing game.
The fact is, a buy-and-hold investor with a decently diversified portfolio should celebrate her ability to remain firm in the face of financial-news tidal wave
A. explosive.
B. transient.
C. unstable.
D. lively.

更多"When the Dow rockets 300 points or "的相关试题:

[单项选择]When the Dow rockets 300 points or the stocks of retailers, say, get decimated, I devour the news. Here’s my admission: I’m a buy-and-hold investor, and a lazy one at that. My employer prohibits us news folks to trade equities on a short-term basis, but even if it didn’t, I’d still buy and hold.
The bulk of my portfolio is in two retirement accounts, and neither stock-market gyrations nor major financial earthquakes prompt me to tweak my allocations. I simply hold a fairly routine mix of low-cost U.S. and international-stock mutual funds, plus a bond fund, and I stick to it.
Sure, the markets get volatile but I figure that, eventually, average historical returns will work in my favor. And, to my mind, stock-market trading, if you’re not spending many hours a week working on it, is little more than a guessing game.
The fact is, a buy-and-hold investor with a decently diversified portfolio should celebrate her ability to remain firm in the face of financial-news tidal wave
A. Because his employer prohibits him to trade equities on a short-term basis.
B. Because he believes that long-term return will balance out short-term fluctuation.
C. Because he is misguided by the loyalty to the idea of "buy and hold."
D. Because he is an active investor and keeps an eye on stock markets every day.
[单项选择]When it was over, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 94 points to close at
A. 10 217
B. 10 297
C. 10 317
When is part of the satellite likely to splash down
A. On Tuesday.
B. On Wednesday.
C. On Thursday.
D. On Friday.
[填空题]When the sun was setting, my car (break) ______down near a remote village.
[单项选择]The surplus value that results when a particular resource or product is fixed in supply and market price is higher than what is required to bring the resource or product onto the market and sustain its use can be defined as:()
A. normal profit.
B. economic rent.
C. consumer surplus.

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The advertisement claims that people can get Dow Jones News by().
A. choosing Scottrade
B. paying $ 30
C. investing $300,000
D. doing nothing
[单项选择]Complimentary Dow Jones News
Get Dow Jones Real-Time News for Investors at no charge with your Scottrade, account! It’s the same up-to-the-minute news and information that more than 300,000 financial professionals use each day to make investment decisions and stay ahead of market changes. Dow Jones Real-Time News for Investors provides extensive, high-quality coverage of companies, markets and events, including:
·Stock Market News--What’s moving and why
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·Economic Indicators
·Credit Market News
·International, Regional and Industry News
Some brokers charge $ 30 a month for this valuable tool. At Scottrade, you’ll get the same access at no charge! Just one more reason to choose Scottrade!
The purpose of the advertisement is ______.
A. encouraging people to use Scottrade account
B. introducing the importance of Dow Jones News
C. calling people’s attention to stock exchange
D. hiring brokers


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