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发布时间:2024-02-29 21:14:42

[单项选择]Where is the General Reading Room [A] Beside the library building. [B] Inside the library building. [C] In a white house across the sports field.

更多"Where is the General Reading Room "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Where is the General Reading Room [A] Beside the library building. [B] Inside the library building. [C] In a white house across the sports field.
[单项选择]Where is the General Reading Room[A] Beside the library building.[B] Inside the library building.[C] In a white house across the sports field.
[单项选择]Where is the General Reading Room
A. Beside the library building.
B. Inside the library building.
C. In a white house across the sports field.
[简答题]part 2 & 3Place Describe a library Where is the library Is it a campus or public one Which parts of the library do you like and dislike Should children go to public libraries How about the elderly Does the government have the responsibility to construct public libraries Is it important to learn how to use a library Describe how to use a library. How do children benefit from going to public libraries How can the elderly benefit from libraries Where is the school located What do classrooms look like Describe a place where it is noisy. Where is this place Why it is so noisy How do you feel about this place Historical place Why do people go to historical places Which is your country’s most famous historical place Should people pay entrance fees to historical places Could you tell me about a famous historical place that you have visited What place it was Where it is located What about that place interests you the most Do
[单项选择]Where is the meeting room
A. on the 1st floor
B. on the 3rd floor
C. on the left of the corridor
[单项选择]Putting the bottles, boxes and books back where they belong, please. Don’t leave them on the desk.
A. Putting
B. where
C. belong
D. leave
This is our classroom. It is a nice big room, The windows are big and the walls are white. There is a blackboard on the front wall. On the back wall there is a map, It’s a map of China.
There is a big desk. It is for the teacher. There are forty small desks and chairs in the room. They are for our students.
Our classroom is a nice big room. [A] True [B] False
[单项选择]In the lumberyard by the lake, where trees from the woods were turned into boards for construction work, there was an old brick building two floors high, and all around the outside walls were heaped great piles of soft sawdust; There were many of these golden mountains of dust covering that part of the yard fight down to the blue lake. That afternoon, bored with having nothing else to do, all the fellows followed Michael up the ladder to the roof of the old building and they sat with their legs hanging over the edge looking out across the lake. Suddenly Michael said,"I dare you to jump down, "and without thinking about it, he pushed himself off the roof and fell on the sawdust where he lay roiling around and laughing. "I dare you all! "he shouted, "You’re all cowards, "he said, encouraging them to follow him. Still laughing, he watched them looking down from the roof, white-faced and hesitant, and then one by one they jumped and got up grinning with relief.
In the hot afternoon su
A. To test their courage.
B. To pass the time.
C. To keep out of the way of the workmen.
D. To get a better view of the woods.


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