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发布时间:2024-07-30 21:15:04

[填空题]{{B}}PART THREE{{/B}}
{{B}}· Read the article below about managing a small business and the questions on the opposite page.
· For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet, for the answer you choose.{{/B}}
{{B}}The Difficulties Of Managing A Small Business{{/B}}
{{I}}{{B}}Ronald Meers asks who chief executives of entrepreneurial or
small businesses can turn to for advice.{{/B}}{{/I}}
’The organisational weaknesses that entrepreneurs have to deal with every day would cause the managers of a mature company to panic,’ Andrew Bidden wrote recently in Boston Business Review. This seems to suggest that the leaders of entrepreneurial or small businesses must be unlike other managers, or the problems faced by such leaders must be the subje
A. A.Entrepreneurs have always preferred to act independently,
B.The requirements of big businesses have always taken priority.
C.it is difficult to find solutions to the problems faced by entrepreneurs.
D.Entrepreneurs are reluctant to provide information about their businesses.

更多"{{B}}PART THREE{{/B}}{{B}}· Read th"的相关试题:

[填空题]{{B}}PART THREE{{/B}}
·Read the article below about public relations. For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet, for the answer you choose.
{{B}}Public Relations{{/B}}
A company does not function in a vacuum, but rather as part of a society. That society consists of the people who work for it, the people and companies that do business with it, the public at large, and the government that regulates and taxes it. These groups are known as a company’s "publics." In order for a company to deal with these publics effectively, a relationship of trust must exist. Employees will not cooperate with or put forth their best efforts for a company that they do not trust or that they fed is taking advantage of them. The public will not buy products or services from a compan
A. A.people in a society
B.employees and employers within a company
C.people and organizations in and outside a company
D.the company and the government

[填空题]{{B}}PART THREE{{/B}}
{{B}}· Read the article below about managing a small business and the questions on the opposite page.
· For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet, for the answer you choose.{{/B}}
{{B}}The Difficulties Of Managing A Small Business{{/B}}
{{I}}{{B}}Ronald Meers asks who chief executives of entrepreneurial or
small businesses can turn to for advice.{{/B}}{{/I}}
’The organisational weaknesses that entrepreneurs have to deal with every day would cause the managers of a mature company to panic,’ Andrew Bidden wrote recently in Boston Business Review. This seems to suggest that the leaders of entrepreneurial or small businesses must be unlike other managers, or the problems faced by such leaders must be the subje
A. A.It is wrong to assume that they are different from other managers.
B.The problems they have to cope with are specific to small businesses,
C.They find it difficult to attract staff with sufficient expertise.
D.They could learn from the organisational skills of managers in large companies.

[填空题]Part 1
·Read the article below and choose the best sentence from the list on the next page to fill each of the gaps.
·For each gap (1-8) mark one letter (A-H) on the Answer Sheet.
·Do not mark any letter twice.

Do you think there is too much noise in our city If you live near the airport, you’ll be unhappy only because a jet plane flying in the sky makes loud noise. The sound of planes or heavy vehicles is likely to cause deafness if heard continuously.
(1) They like to enjoy music when they are doing dull jobs. It is a new danger because "pop" music, when played through powerful amplifiers, can reach 120 decibels at a distance of 5 feet. (2) Recently it was discovered that many teenagers hear no better than people as old as 65. (3) For example, when newspapers and books are being printed, the noise level is about 85 de


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