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发布时间:2023-12-24 05:09:48

[单项选择]By the mid-sixties, blue jeans were an essential part of the wardrobe of those with a commitment to social struggle. In the American Deep South, black farmers and grandchildren of slaves still segregated from whites, continued to wear jeans in their mid-nineteenth-century sense; but now they were joined by college students-black and white-in a battle to overturn deeply embedded race hatred. The clothes of the workers became a sacred bond between them. The clothing of toil came to signify the dignity of struggle.
In the student rebellion and the antiwar movement that followed, blue jeans and work shirts provided a contrast to the uniforms of the dominant culture. Jeans were the opposite of high fashion, the opposite of the suit or military uniform.
With the rise of the women’s movement in the late 1960s, the political significance of dress became increasingly explicit; Rejecting orthodox sex roles, blue jeans were a woman’s weapon against uncomfortable popular fashions and the
A. a commitment to social struggle
B. a struggle for segregation
C. the dignity of struggle
D. military uniform

更多"By the mid-sixties, blue jeans were"的相关试题:

[单项选择]By the mid-sixties, blue jeans were an essential part of the wardrobe of those with a commitment to social struggle. In the American Deep South, black farmers and grandchildren of slaves still segregated from whites, continued to wear jeans in their mid-nineteenth-century sense; but now they were joined by college students-black and white-in a battle to overturn deeply embedded race hatred. The clothes of the workers became a sacred bond between them. The clothing of toil came to signify the dignity of struggle.
In the student rebellion and the antiwar movement that followed, blue jeans and work shirts provided a contrast to the uniforms of the dominant culture. Jeans were the opposite of high fashion, the opposite of the suit or military uniform.
With the rise of the women’s movement in the late 1960s, the political significance of dress became increasingly explicit; Rejecting orthodox sex roles, blue jeans were a woman’s weapon against uncomfortable popular fashions and the
A. The cloth of action.
B. The orthodox sex roles.
C. Their political significance.
D. The weapon against uncomfortable popular fashions.
Passage One
Jeans were invented a little over a century ago and are currently the world’s most popular, versatile garment, crossing boundaries of class, age and nationality. From their origins as pure workwear, they have spread through every level of the fashion spectrum, and are embraced internationally for their unmatched comfort and appeal.
In the mid 1940s, the Second World War came to an end, and denim blue jeans, previously worn almost exclusively as workwear, gained a new status in the U. S. and Europe. Rugged but relaxed, they stood for freedom and a bright future. Sported by both men and women, by returning GI’s and sharp teenagers, they seemed as clean and strong as the people who chose to wear them. In Europe, surplus Levi’s were left behind by American armed forces and were available in limited supplies. It was the European
A. soldiers
B. workmen
C. teenagers
D. cowboys
[单项选择]Blue jeans are probably the single most representative article of American clothing.They were originally 26 by Jacob Davis,a tailor from Nevada, 27 ,together with dry-goods sales man Levi Strauss,patented the idea as 28 clothing for miners in l873.Blue jeans,also 29 as work clothing,spread among workers of all kinds in the late l9th and early 20th centuries, 30 among cowboys,farmers,loggers,and rail road workers.During the 1950s, 31 Marion Brando and James Dean made blue jeans 32 by wearing them in movies,and jeans be。came part of the 33 of teenagers’rebelling.In the l960sand 1970s,this fashion statement exploded as LevI’s 34 a fundamental part of the youth 35 focused on both civil rights and antiwar protests. 36 the late1970s,almost everyone in the United States wore blue jeans, 37 youths all around the world sought after them. 38 designers began to create more complicated 39 of blue jeans and to 40 their fit,jeans began to express the American emphasis 41 informality and the importan
A. Before
B. Since
C. By
D. Till


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