发布时间:2024-07-28 03:05:20

[简答题](a)急需钱的Lung打电话给Quick Money Finance Ltd.要求安排删美元的临时贷款。经理 Bosco接受了Lung的房契并给他提供了贷款。 当Lung还款的日期到期后,Bosco就以下问题向你咨询: (1)已没定的担保属于什么类型的担保; (2)当Lung不偿还贷款时,他可获得什么救济。 请给Rosco提出建议,并说出你的充分理由。 (b)简单解释“分权共有”与“联权共有”,《物业转移及财产条例》(第219章)就它们做出的假定是什么 (1993年10月)

更多"(a)急需钱的Lung打电话给Quick Money Finance "的相关试题:

[多项选择]孙某为某期货公司期货从业人员,一日,孙某母亲病重,急需钱用,但是孙某手头拮据,无力支付手术费用,无奈之下,孙某将其代理的客户的保证金代缴手术费。如果客户得知孙某挪用保证金的行为后,向中国证监会反映了孙某的行为,中国证监会有权对孙某采取( )措施。
A. 责令改正
B. 监管谈话
C. 纪律惩戒
D. 出具警示函
[简答题]Saporo Ng是Money Money Ltd.的秘书,Money Money Ltd.从事贷款业务,Tyler以衡平法抵押的方式将其公寓转给了该公司。Saporo Ng就以下问题向你咨询: (a)这种担保应根据什么法律进行登记 (b)如果不按法律行事,会有什么后果如果有的话。 (c)如果Tyler是一家股份有限公司,你的建议会有什么不同 (1993年6月)
[简答题]dispatch money
[简答题]Fiat money
[简答题]bailout money

[单项选择] Smoking Is Smoking a Major Cause of Lung Cancer in Women Many people think that lung cancer affects mostly men. But even though we hear more about breast cancer, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in women. And nearly all lung cancer deaths in women are due to smoking. Quitting smoking now is one important change you can make to improve your lung and overall health and live longer. Former smokers have a lower risk for lung cancer than do current smokers. In one to nine months after quitting smoking, your lungs will function better. And after 10 years, your risk of lung cancer is nearly the same as someone who never smoked. Should Women Who Smoke Be Concerned about Heart Disease Yes. More women die each year from heart disease than from any other illness. Smoking is the major cause of heart disease in women, especially those younger than age 50. Women who use birth control pills have a much higher risk of heart disea
A. Y
B. N
Passage 2
Every year, the American Lung Association (ALA) releases its annual report card on smog, and every year it gives an "F" to over half the nation’s counties and cities. When ALA’s "State of the Air 2002" recently came out, dozens of credulous local journalists once again took the bait, ominously reporting that their corner of the nation received a failing grade. The national coverage was no better, repeating as fact ALA’s statement that it is "gravely concerned" about air quality, and neglecting to solicit the views of even one scientist with a differing view. Too bad, because this report card says a lot less about actual air quality than it does about the tactics and motives of the ALA.
The very fact that 60 percent of counties were given an ’F’ seems to be alarmist. This is particularly true given that smog levels have been trending downward
A. present smog standards should be made stricter
B. the standard established by the EPA is effective
C. some areas fail to meet the federal standard at times
D. poor air quality is a major problem nationwide


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