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发布时间:2023-10-15 11:33:09

[单项选择]Guest: I’d like a room with an ocean view(风景) , please.
Clerk: I’ m sorry. ()
A. Those rooms are all ordered.
B. Those rooms are all possessed.
C. Those rooms are all owned.
D. Those rooms are all hel

更多"Guest: I’d like a room with an ocea"的相关试题:


M: I'd like a room for three nights, please?
W: OK. Please fill in this form.
Q: What is the man going to do?()

A. Pay his bill.
B. Show his business card.
C. Fill in a form.
D. Make a phone call.

According to the expert, which room is the best place to put the computer
[简答题]Some people like to share a room with a stranger, while others dislike it. Write an essay to describe your opinion about it. Your essay should include: (1) both advantages and disadvantages of sharing a room with a stranger; (2) your preference. You should write 160 ~ 200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

What kind of room does the woman like to have
A. A large room.
B. A small room.
C. A quiet room.
D. A room near the street.
[填空题]I’d like a room (who) ______ window looks out over the sea.

[单项选择]What kind of the room does the woman like to have
A. A quiet room
B. A room not too big.
C. A room with a bath
D. All above.
[单项选择]I should like to book a room with a double-bed for the night of Monday.
A. 我想要的房间是里面带书房,有床,一直住到周一晚。
B. 我希望订一个有双人床的房间,时间是星期一晚间。
C. 我想要租一个一室一厅的房间,放张床晚上在那里看书。
D. 我希望能给我保留一个双人房间,我们星期一晚上入住。
[简答题]part 2 & 3Place Describe a room you like to stay when you were a child Do you think a private room is personal privacy How many rooms do u think is best Do you think students should share a room Do you think it is important to have own room for people (concerning personal privacy) Are there any advantages for children to share rooms with other children How many rooms does a typical Chinese family need Do you think future rooms will be better than today’s Describe a small but successful company What are the features of successful companies What are the advantages and disadvantages of family business Do private companies bosses would like to have a rest What are the differences between the manufacturing industry now and the past in China Describe a place you would like to attend a university or a college Do you think there is any difference between schools in countryside and in the city Do schools need any improvement in the future Why Should children have
[简答题]Part 2&3place the ideal room you would like to have a beautiful park or garden you like an outdoor place that make you feel relaxed a peaceful place that you like/place for a walk a place you’d like to travel to in a foreign country something you learned from a trip a restaurant you’d like to go to a place for shopping/a shop you like a road or street in your home town
[单项选择]A: If you like, I can help you paint the room tomorrow.
B: ( ).
A. Thanks a lot. But I think I can manage it myself.
B. No. Don’t worry about that.
C. I don’t like it. Thanks anyway.
D. I’m sorry. That’s not necessary.

W: I’d like to have a single room for two days.
M: Sorry, all the rooms here are occupied.

Where are the two speakers ()
A. In a bedroom.
B. In a restaurant.
C. In a hotel.
D. At the airport.


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