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发布时间:2024-07-01 23:31:01

[单项选择]One day, a lady was walking to work. Along the way, she passed a shop with a parrot (鹦鹉) sitting beside the door.
When she stopped to look at the bird, it said to her, "Hey, lady, you are really ugly (丑陋的)!"
This made the lady very angry. She quickly left the shop and went to work. On her way home, she passed the same pet shop again. When the parrot saw her, it said, "Hey lady, you are really ugly!"
The lady couldn’t believe how rude (粗鲁的) this bird was.
She told the shopkeeper that if the parrot said it again, she would have the police come and take it away. "I’m sorry, ma’am. It won’t happen again." the shopkeeper said.
The next day, when the lady walked past the shop, the parrot said to her, "Hey lady."
She stopped and looked at the bird coldly. "Yes" she answered angrily.
The bird, sitting up straight and smiling at her, said, "You know./
What the shopkeeper and the bird said are the same.
[Al Right.
[B] Wrong.
[C] Doesn’t say

更多"One day, a lady was walking to work"的相关试题:

[单项选择]One day, a lady was walking to work. Along the way, she passed a shop with a parrot (鹦鹉) sitting beside the door.
When she stopped to look at the bird, it said to her, "Hey, lady, you are really ugly (丑陋的)!"
This made the lady very angry. She quickly left the shop and went to work. On her way home, she passed the same pet shop again. When the parrot saw her, it said, "Hey lady, you are really ugly!"
The lady couldn’t believe how rude (粗鲁的) this bird was.
She told the shopkeeper that if the parrot said it again, she would have the police come and take it away. "I’m sorry, ma’am. It won’t happen again." the shopkeeper said.
The next day, when the lady walked past the shop, the parrot said to her, "Hey lady."
She stopped and looked at the bird coldly. "Yes " she answered angrily.
The bird, sitting up straight and smiling at her, said, "You know./

The lady was happy when hearing what the bird was saying.
A. Right.
B. Wrong;
C. Doesn’t say.
[填空题]One day, walking along _____ toward his boat, Crusoe saw in _____ the mark of a man’s foot.

One fine afternoon I was walking along Fifth Street, when I remembered that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks. Why I wished to buy only one pair is unimportant. I turned into the first sock shop that caught my eye, and a boy clerk who could not have been more than seventeen years old came forward, "What can I do for you, sir" "I wish to buy a pair of socks." His eyes shone. There was a lot of excitement in his voice, "Did you know that you had come into the finest place in the world to buy socks" I had no idea of that, as my entrance had been accidental(偶然的). "Come with me," said the boy, eagerly. I followed him to the back of the shop, and he began to pull down from the shelves box after box showing their socks for my choice.
"Hold on, lad, 1 am going to buy only one pair "I know that," said he, "but I want you to see how beautiful these are. Aren’t they wonderful!’ There was on his face an exp
A. A pair of shoes.
B. A pair of socks.
C. Two pairs of shoes.
D. Two pairs of socks.

[填空题]Why was the old man walking along the platform
Because he was looking for().

A motorist saw two men walking along lonely country road, They were carrying heavy bags, so he at once informed the police. That morning the police had broadcast a message on the radio asking for information which might lead to the arrest of two thieves who had stopped a train and stolen mail-bags containing .a lot of money. The police soon arrived on the scene. They questioned both men but neither of them could speak English. The men tried hard to resist arrest and kept shouting loudly at the police all the way to the station. When they arrived there, both men refused to say anything and simply pointed at their bags. The police opened them at once and then realized that they had made a terrible mistake. The men were French onion-sellers and their bags were full of onions! Apologizing for their mistake, the police set the men free immediately.

Who informed the police that he saw two men with heavy bags
What did the man hear when he was walking along the street
[填空题]We (occasion)()saw him walking along the river bank.

A motorist saw two men walking along lonely country road. They were carrying heavy bags, so he at once in formed the police. That morning the police had broadcast a message on the radio asking for information which might lead to the arrest of two thieves who had stopped a train and stolen mail - bags containing a lot of money. The police soon arrived on the scene. They questioned both men but neither of them could speak English. The men tried hard to resist arrest and kept shouting loudly at the police all the way to the station. When they arrived there, both men refused to say anything and simply pointed at their bags. The police opened them at once and then realized that they had made a terrible mistake. The men were French onion - sellers and their bags were full of onions ! Apologizing for their mistake, the police set the men free immediately.

Which country do the men come from ()


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