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发布时间:2024-02-23 06:08:19

[单项选择]When did Russian President Vladimir Putin meet with a Japanese business delegation
A. Monday.
B. Wednesday.
C. Thursday.
D. Friday.

更多"When did Russian President Vladimir"的相关试题:

[单项选择] Russian president Vladimir Putin has inadvertently (不注意地) spotlighted one of today’’s momentous mysteries: collapsing birthrates in industrialized countries. Putin proposed that Russia pay women to have children to remedy a "critical" population outlook. Actually, he might have said "desperate." In 2000, Russia’’s population totaled almost 147 million. Russia’’s case, though extreme, isn’’t isolated. There’’s no more population "explosion." In wealthier countries, motherhood is going out of style and plunging birthrates portend population loss. One way or another, the side effects will be massive for economics, politics and people’’s well being. Indeed, they may already have started. Is it a coincidence that Germany and Italy, two countries on the edge of population decline, are so troubled First, some facts. On average, women must have two children for a society to replace itself. The actual number of children per woman is called the "total fertility rate," or TFR. Here
A. of, relating to, or characteristic of critics or criticism
B. forming or having the nature of a turning point; crucial or decisive
C. being in or verging on a state of crisis or emergency
D. characterized by careful, exact evaluation and judgment
[单项选择]When did they meet last
A. Two months ago.
B. Last month.
C. Five months ago.
[单项选择]When did they meet the first time
A. One evening.
B. One morning.
C. In the evening.
What difficulty did he meet when he was trying to help the cat [A] He couldn’t reach the cat. [B] He couldn’t come down。 [C] He got hurt.

M: Did you leave the hotel when Mick did at 2:30 p. m.
W: No, I just left fifteen minutes after him.

When did the woman leave the hotel ( )
A. At2:50p.m.
B. At2:35 p.m.
C. At2:45 p.m.
[填空题]What he did and when he did it ______ (be) the only things I want to know.
[单项选择]When did Jack arrive
A. Eight o’clock.
B. Nine o’clock.
C. Ten o’clock.
[填空题]When did it start

When did Tom leave
A. At 10:00.
B. At 10:30.
C. At 11:00.
D. At 11:30.
[单项选择]When did Titanic sink
A. In 1908.
B. In 1912.
C. In 2002.
D. In 2008.
[单项选择]When will they meet
A. English.
B. French.
C. Putonghua.


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