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发布时间:2023-10-22 03:19:36

[单项选择]A series of dynastic civil wars between supporters of the House of Lancaster and the House of York in the 15th century are also known as
A. Seven Years’ War.
B. the Hundred Years’ War.
C. the Wars of the Roses.
D. War of Independence.

更多"A series of dynastic civil wars bet"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A series of dynastic civil wars between supporters of the House of Lancaster and the House of York in the 15th century are also known as
As civil wars erupted throughout the Roman Republic in the 1st century B. C., country dwellers may have fled to cities. Before they left, some people buried their valuables to hide them from armies. Now social scientists have studied these coin stores to answer a long-standing Roman mystery.
Historians have long debated Rome’s population size during the 1st century B.C. Starting in 28 B. C., censuses (人口普查) conducted under tile first Roman emperor showed the population at about 5 million--a 10-fold increase over that of the Roman Republic a century earlier. About a third of this jump can be explained by the extension of citizenship to Roman allies across Italy. But where did the rest of the people come from Some historians say the answer is simply population explosion. Others argue that the empire included women and children in its census, whereas t
A. The census method.
B. Population explosion.
C. Rome’s population size.
D. The extension of citizenship to Roman allies.
[单项选择]As civil wars erupted throughout the Roman Republic in the 1st century B. C., country dwellers may have fled to cities. Before they left, some people buried their valuables to hide them from armies. Now social scientists have studied these coin stores to answer a long-standing Roman mystery.
Historians have long debated Rome’s population size during the 1st century B.C. Starting in 28 B. C., censuses (人口普查) conducted under tile first Roman emperor showed the population at about 5 million--a 10-fold increase over that of the Roman Republic a century earlier. About a third of this jump can be explained by the extension of citizenship to Roman allies across Italy. But where did the rest of the people come from Some historians say the answer is simply population explosion. Others argue that the empire included women and children in its census, whereas the republic only counted adult males.
To settle the debate, social scientist Peter Turchin and his colleague Walter Scheidel
A. The census method.
B. Population explosion.
C. Rome’s population size.
D. The extension of citizenship to Roman allies.
[单项选择]Friction between America’’s military and its civilian overseers is nothing new. America’’s 220-year experiment in civilian control of the military is a recipe for friction. The nation’’s history has seen a series of shifts in decision-making power among the White House, the civilian secretaries and the uniformed elite (精英). However, what may seem on the outside an unstable and special system of power sharing has, without a doubt, been a key to two centuries of military success. In the infighting dates to the revolution, George Washington waged a continual struggle not just for money, but to control the actual battle plan. The framers of the Constitution sought to clarify things by making the president the "commander in chief." Not since Washington wore his uniform and led the troops across the Alleghenies to quell (镇压) the Whiskey Rebellion has a sitting president taken command in the field. Yet the absolute authority of the president ensures his direct command. The president was
A. struggled with the congress only for money
B. lived up to the code of the constitution that the president was "the commander in chief"
C. looked more like a general than a president
D. did much more than he should as a president


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