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发布时间:2023-09-30 06:16:01

[单项选择]{{B}}Text 3{{/B}}
Many doctors suspect that there may be some relationship between emotions and illness. However, they can not find a proof. It is until two decades ago when Louise Hay brings her books You Can Heal Your Body and You Can Heal Your Life to us, things get clear in our mind. In her book, over three hundred people were assessed in terms of their emotions for a two-week period. They were assessed for positive emotions they might be feeling, such as vigor, well-being, and calmness, as well as for negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, and hostility. Then they were each given a squirt in the nose of the virus that causes common cold. People with more positive emotional states were less likely to suffer from symptoms of the cold than people with negative emotional states and they restored to health in a short time. So there really do
A. the connection of emotions and illness is first found among doctors.
B. the doctors are not sure whether emotions influence illness.
C. Louise Hay is an extraordinary doctor and she is widely accepted.
D. Louise Hay solves many medical problems, so she is popular among doctors.

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[单项选择]{{B}}Text 3{{/B}}
Many doctors suspect that there may be some relationship between emotions and illness. However, they can not find a proof. It is until two decades ago when Louise Hay brings her books You Can Heal Your Body and You Can Heal Your Life to us, things get clear in our mind. In her book, over three hundred people were assessed in terms of their emotions for a two-week period. They were assessed for positive emotions they might be feeling, such as vigor, well-being, and calmness, as well as for negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, and hostility. Then they were each given a squirt in the nose of the virus that causes common cold. People with more positive emotional states were less likely to suffer from symptoms of the cold than people with negative emotional states and they restored to health in a short time. So there really do
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
[单项选择]Many doctors suspect that there may be some relationship between emotions and illness. However, they can not find a proof. It is until two decades ago when Louise Hay brings her books You Can Heal Your Body and You Can Heal Your Life to us, things get clear in our mind. In her book, over three hundred people were assessed in terms of their emotions for a two-week period. They were assessed for positive emotions they might be feeling, such as vigor, well-being, and calmness, as well as for negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, and hostility. Then they were each given a squirt in the nose of the virus that causes common cold. People with more positive emotional states were less likely to suffer from symptoms of the cold than people with negative emotional states and they restored to health in a short time. So there really does seem to be a link between emotional state and illness. According to her research, our emotions are fundamentally connected with all aspects of health. Thi
A. the connection of emotions and illness is first found among doctors.
B. the doctors are not sure whether emotions influence illness.
C. Louise Hay is an extraordinary doctor and she is widely accepted.
D. Louise Hay solves many medical problems, so she is popular among doctors.
[单项选择] Text
Many years ago when the summers seemed longer and life was less complicated, we had rented a cottage (26) a river in the heart of the country (27) the whole family was going to (28) a three-week holiday. There were four of us: me, Mum and Dad, and Mum’s sister, Auntie June. Oh, and I mustn’t forget to (29) . Spot, our little dog. I was (30) to go off by myself all day, (31) I promised to be careful and took Spot with me for (32) .
One day I was out fishing with Spot when we heard a lot of shouting in the (33) followed by a scream and splash. I was a bit (34) so I called Spot and we both hid (35) a bush where we could see but not be (36) . After a few moments, a straw hat came drifting down the river, followed by an oar, a picnic basket and (37) oar. Then came the rowing boat itself, but it
A. at
B. against
C. with
D. to


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