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发布时间:2023-10-25 22:20:21

Questions 17—20 are based on the following talk on booking tickets. You now have 15 seconds to read questions 17—20.
What is the date today according to the talk
A. July 10th.
B. July 11th.
C. July 9th.
D. July 8th.

更多"Questions 17—20 are based on the "的相关试题:


Questions are based on the following talk about how to love and to be loved. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions .

People who are willful call themselves "independent" because()

A. their knowledge of words is very poor
B. they fail to make distinction between words; it is just a manner of speaking
C. they are too strict with their words
D. they use words loosely and make mistake in defining and distinguishing
[单项选择]Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following talk on manufacturing. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11 to 14.What role do most people in the manufacturing trades play
[A] Designers.
[B] Supervisors.
[C] Assistants.
[D] Employees.

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following talk about Jim’s health problem. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 18 to 20.
W: Hello, Jim. I haven’t seen you in a while. What seems to be the problem
M: Actually I’m a little embarrassed about coming here. I feel fine right now. But you know every year around the holidays like clockwork I come down with something.
W: So you’re interested in prevention. What symptoms do you usually get
M: You know, cough, fever, runny nose, my head and bones ache etc. I usually feel miserably weak and it ends up ruining my holidays.
W: Sounds like a typical flu to me. Influenza often strikes when people are overtired, stressed and not eating nutritious food. And also you increase your exposure to a virus when you’re in big crowds where lots of people are coughing and sneezing.
M: I certainly spend a lot of time in department stores around the holidays buying gifts f
A. To find out if he has the flu.
B. To find out how to maintain a nutritious diet.
C. To find out how to prevent illness.
D. To find out the results of a blood test.

Questions 11 ~13 are based on the following talk about the euro. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11 ~13.

When was the euro launched
A. 1992.
B. 1995.
C. 1999.
D. 2001.

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following talk on proverbs in some cultures. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11 to 13.
M: Mary, have you ever wondered why some cultures have more proverbs than others For example, the Mayans, the Incas, and the North American Indian tribes seem to have fewer proverbs than cultures like, the Arabians, and the Chinese. I wonder why this is.
W: What would you say about our own culture Would you say we’re a culture that’s rich in proverbs or one that lacks proverbs
M: I think we, we have a rich heritage of proverbs the Benjamin Franklin maxims, proverbs, wise sayings have been handed clown to us.
W: Well, I think the fact that we’re no longer creating proverbs today maybe says something maybe perhaps explains to some extent why proverbs in certain cultures were not as extended or extensive as in other cultures.
M: Mm, hmm. That’s true. I wonder why we are not creating as man
A. Mayans.
B. Arabians.
C. North American Indians.
D. British.


Questions 17 to 20 are based on the following talk about good manner. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 17 to 20.
The proverb "One man’s meat is another man’s poison" applies to table manners as well. To put it more simply, something which is rude in one country may well be quite polite in another. For example, in Britain you mustn’t lift your soup bowl to your mouth. In Japan, however, lifting your bowl to your mouth is an efficient way of drinking your soup. And in Japan you needn’t worry about making a noise when you drink it. Noisily drinking your soup, and any other food you happen to be eating, is quite acceptable and shows that you are enjoying it. That’s not true in Britain, however.
In Britain, we try not to put our hands or elbows on the table at all during a meal. In Mexico, however, guests are supposed to keep their hands on the table throughout a meal. But it is in the Arab countries where we really must
A. Eating with left hand.
B. Eating with a fork.
C. Drinking soup noisily.
D. Talking while eating.


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