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发布时间:2024-07-30 20:27:33

[单项选择]Another example of the exercise of power by Congress was the action it took during the Reconstruction Period after the Civil War. It has already been noted that President Johnson favored a lenient policy toward the South and attempted to carry out Lincoln’s "10 percent plan". He pardoned most of the Southern leaders and permitted them to restore their state governments. They were permitted to elect Senators and Representatives.
Congress, however, led by the Radical Republican Thaddeus Stevens, had other ideas about the handing of the defeated Confederacy. Congress favored punitive policies. The South should be treated as conquered territory, and its readmission should be handled by Congress rather than the President. Congress opposed the "Johnson Governments" and the "Black Codes" passed by Southern states which virtually restored former slaves to their masters. Accordingly, it passed the Reconstruction Act of 1867. This measure divided the South into five military districts and p
A. Johnson believed that the Reconstruction Act of 3.867 carried out Lincoln’s "10 percent plan"
B. Johnson exceeded his authority by removing a Cabinet member without consulting Congress
C. Johnson failed to be impeached by one vote
D. Johnson was less tolerant of the South than Congress was

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[单项选择]Another example of the exercise of power by Congress was the action it took during the Reconstruction Period after the Civil War. It has already been noted that President Johnson favored a lenient policy toward the South and attempted to carry out Lincoln’s "10 percent plan". He pardoned most of the Southern leaders and permitted them to restore their state governments. They were permitted to elect Senators and Representatives.
Congress, however, led by the Radical Republican Thaddeus Stevens, had other ideas about the handing of the defeated Confederacy. Congress favored punitive policies. The South should be treated as conquered territory, and its readmission should be handled by Congress rather than the President. Congress opposed the "Johnson Governments" and the "Black Codes" passed by Southern states which virtually restored former slaves to their masters. Accordingly, it passed the Reconstruction Act of 1867. This measure divided the South into five military districts and p
A. The Impeachment of President Johnson
B. The Reconstruction Period
C. Conflict between President Johnson and Congress
D. A Lenient President
Another example of the exercise of power by Congress was the action it took during the Reconstruction Period after the Civil War. It has already been noted that President Johnson favored a lenient policy toward the South and attempted to carry out Lincoln’s "10 percent plan". He pardoned most of the Southern leaders and permitted them to restore their state governments. They were permitted to elect Senators and Representatives.
Congress, however, led by the Radical Republican Thaddeus Stevens, had other ideas about the handing of the defeated Confederacy. Congress favored punitive policies. The South should be treated as conquered territory, and its readmission should be handled by Congress rather than the President. Congress opposed the "Johnson Governments" and the "Black Codes" passed by Southern states which virtually restored former slaves to thei
A. The Impeachment of President Johnson
B. The Reconstruction Period
C. Conflict between President Johnson and Congress
D. A Lenient President
[单项选择]Passage 2
Another example of the exercise of power by Congress was the action it took during the Reconstruction Period after the Civil War. It has already been noted that President Johnson favored a lenient policy toward the South and attempted to carry out Lincoln’s "10 percent plan". He pardoned most of the Southern leaders and permitted them to restore their state governments. They were permitted to elect Senators and Representatives.
Congress, however, led by the Radical Republican Thaddeus Stevens, had other ideas about the handing of the defeated Confederacy. Congress favored punitive policies. The South should be treated as conquered territory, and its readmission should be handled by Congress rather than the President. Congress opposed the "Johnson Governments" and the "Black Codes" passed by Southern states which virtually restored
A. The Impeachment of President Johnson
B. The Reconstruction Period
C. Conflict between President Johnson and Congress
D. A Lenient President


[单项选择]A terrifying example of the sea’s power saw about 200,000 people die in 12 different countries at the end of 2004. The devastation (毁坏) was caused when a massive earthquake sent tsunamis smashing into India Ocean coastlines.
Communities in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Malaysia and East Africa have been destroyed by the monster waves. Whole towns were simply swept aside by the power of the water. Cars, trains and buildings could not survive, let alone the people who stood in the way.
The earthquake measured 9.0 on the Richter scale (里氏地震) and occurred off the coast of Indonesia. It was recorded as the fifth strongest since 1900. Scientists said the quake was as powerful as a million of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan during World War Ⅱ. "This may be the worst natural disaster in recent history, because it is affecting so many heavily populated coastal areas," said Jan Johnson, a U.N. official.
Because such waves rarely happen in the India Ocean, ther
A. What Is Tsunami
B. South Asian Was Hit by the Strongest Earthquake.
C. Mother Nature Expressed Anger.
D. What Can We Do with Tsunami
[单项选择]what is the ultra portfolio function of the congressional staff members( ).
A. Negotiating deals with other congressional aides
B. Suggesting laws that will be popular with local voters
C. Managing a representative’s financial interests
D. Creating new ways to campaign for their bosses
[单项选择]Knowledge is power. But there is another thing we must remember. An intelligent mind needs a strong body to make it most useful.
There are a great many good exercises for building up our bodies. Many of them may be done indoors in rainy weather. Indoor exercises, however, are never as helpful as those taken out of doors because in the open air there is more oxygen. The air in the house is not fresh. But out of doors it is very fresh, especially in the morning.
But what shall we play There are a number of games such as football, basketball, races... Any game with plenty of exercises is good.
Do not neglect(忽略) your health. It is of as much importance as your mind. Our country now needs people with creative minds, good judgement, and healthy bodies.
Our country now ______ with creative minds, good judgement and healthy bodies.
A. only needs men
B. does not need women but men
C. needs men and women
D. only needs scientists


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