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发布时间:2024-01-08 19:52:28


W: How did Mary do in the race
M: Well. she had a good start, but she quickly fell behind.

What did the man mean()
A. Mary fell during the race.
B. She did very well in the race.
C. She was one of the slower runners.
D. Mary finished directly behind the quickest runner.

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W: How did Mary do in the race
M: Well. she had a good start, but she quickly fell behind.

What did the man mean ()
A. Mary fell during the race.
B. She did very well in the race.
C. She was one of the slower runners.
D. Mary finished directly behind the quickest runner.

M: How did you like the film last night
W: It was a complete waste of time.

How did the woman feel about the film()
A. She enjoyed it very much.
B. It was wonderful.
C. It was not good at all.
D. She would watch it again.

M: How did you enjoy the dinner at the party
W: Great! I can’t imagine more wonderful food!

How does the woman think of the food ()
A. She likes the food very much.
B. She doesn’t like the food.
C. She has no interest in the food.
D. She has no idea.

W: How did your interview go
M: I couldn’t feel better about it. The questions were very fair, and I seemed to find an answer for all of them.

What is the man’s attitude about the interview ()
A. He is sick.
B. He is worried.
C. He is confident.
D. He is angry.

W:How did you like the President’s speech on TV yesterday evening
M:Unfortunately,I got home too late to watch it.

What are they talking about()
A. A speech on TV.
B. A meeting with the President.
C. A report in the newspaper.
D. A telephone meeting.
[单项选择]How did the woman do the research
A. She talked to people.
B. She sent letters to people.
C. She collected information from newspapers.

M: How far do you live from Beijing University, Professor Li
W: It takes about 20 minutes to drive from my home to the university. But during the rush hour it takes 10 minutes longer.

How much time does it take if Professor Li drives from the university to his home during the rush hour()
A. About 20 minutes.
B. About 30 minutes.
C. Less than 20 minutes.
D. At least more than 30 minutes.

W: How much do I pay each month for your network service
M: It depends on how many hours you use. Each hour costs $1.50.

How much will the woman pay if she uses 20 hours()
A. $30.
B. $20.
C. $15.
D. $12.

M: How do Jane and Bill like their new home
W: It’s realty comfortable, but they are tired of having to hear the jets go over their house at all hours.

What is located close to Jane and Bill’s new home ()
A. A bus station.
B. An airport.
C. A super highway.
D. A train station.

W: How many examinations do you have, Tom
M: There, two this week, and one next Monday. How about you
W: Two, both are in this week, Then I have to write two papers. I’d rather have examinations.
M: What de you mean
W: Well, you only recite a lot for examinations. You can work really hard for a couple of days, then that’s all.
M: Yeah, I know. But I like papers better than examinations. Um, where did I put my I.C. card
W: Is it in your desk
M: No, where is it
W: Did you take it back
M: I don’t know. Oh, God! I don’t know What’s wrong with me.

How many examinations does the woman have()
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four.

W: How many examinations do you have, Tom
M: Three, two this week, and one next Monday. How about you
W: Only two in this week. Then I have to. write two papers. I’d rather have examinations.
M: What do you mean
W: Well, you only recite a lot for examinations. Yon can work real hard for a couple of days, then that’s all.
M: But I like papers better than examinations. Where did I put my ID card
W: Is it in your desk
M: No, where is it
W: Is it in your pocket
M: My God, it seems I always forget things.

What are the two speakers talking about ()
A. Their study at school.
B. The final examination.
C. The newspapers.
D. Their relations.

W: How do we spend this evening
M: An evening at the concert will be good.

What’s the man’s suggestion()
A. To see a movie.
B. To have dinner.
C. To watch a concert.
D. To sleep.


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