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发布时间:2024-09-01 05:36:23

[填空题]The aboriginal group Gagudju in Kakadu National Park has evolved fast these years.

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[填空题]The aboriginal group Gagudju in Kakadu National Park has evolved fast these years.

10 5 7
class BA

int a;
int geta( )return a;

class PA1:public BA

int b;
int getb( )return b;

class PA2:public PA1

int c;
void show( )


void main( )

PA2 a(7,5,10);
tout<<a.geta( )<
A. 感染性休克
B. 颅内压增高症
D. 中枢性呼吸衰竭
E. 肝功能衰竭
[单项选择]溴化锂吸收式制冷机组真空气密性试验,绝对压力应小于( )Pa,持续 24h,升压不大于25Pa为合格。
A. 25
B. 50
C. 66.5
D. 80
A. 57 329
B. 57 628
C. 56 529
D. 55 628
A. 24894J/kg
B. 29006J/kg
C. 35847J/kg
D. 46824J/kg
[单项选择]Passage Three
Pictures in the British papers this week of Prince William, Prince Charles’s 18-year-old son, cleaning toilets overseas, have led to a surge of altruism (利他主义). Raleigh International, the charity that organized his trip, has seen inquiries about voluntary work abroad rise by 30%. But the image of idealistic youth that William presents no longer reflects the reality of the volunteer force. It’s getting older and older.
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) has about 2,000 volunteers in the field around the world. After a dip in interest in the mid-1990s, applications to work abroad are at record levels. Last year 7, 645 people submitted applications, and 920 successfully negotiated the VSO selection process and were sent abroad. When the organization was founded in 1959, the average volunteer was in his early 20s. Now, the average a
A. his trip has triggered a surge of altruism
B. his trip was organized by a government institution
C. he presents the image of idealistic youth
D. he is not a representative volunteer in age
[简答题]B股份有限公司(PA下简称B公司)主要经营中小型机电类产品的生产和销售,产品销售PA B公司仓库为交货地点。B公司目前主要采用手工会计系统。ABC会计师事务所接受委托审计B公司2008年度会计报表,C和D注册会计师负责于2008年10月25 至11月10日对B公司的购货与付款循环、生产循环、销售与收款循环的内部控制进行了解、测试与评价。
Reference Group

A reference group is a concept referring to a group to which an individual or another group is compared. It is the group to which the individual relates or aspires to relate himself or herself psychologically. It becomes the individual’s frame of reference and the source for organizing his or her experiences, perceptions, cognition, and ideas of self.
Reference groups provide the benchmarks and contrast needed for comparison and evaluation of group or personal characteristics. Robert K. Merton hypothesized that individuals compare themselves with reference groups of people who occupy the social role to which the individual aspires.
Question: The professor uses one example to illustrate the definition of "reference group". Explain how this example is related to the reading passage.
A. 2.16×107
B. 4.32×107
C. 2.16×109
D. 4.32×109
Crop Circle Mysteries

They are giant geometric patterns, which appear over-night in a field of crops. Many people believe that they are made by aliens. (46) . "Crop circle", as the mysterious patterns are called, became a hot phrase this month.
(47) . It’s believed to be the world’s first three-dimensional crop circle. The giant crop circle gives an impression of looking down on skyscrapers from above. (48) . Crop circles were first widely noticed in the late 1970s as many mysterious circles began appearing-in crop fields throughout the English countryside. People were intrigued by these giant patterns. They were huge (at least tens of meters in diameters) and popped up over-night. (49) .
Various scientific and pseudo-scientific explanations were put forward to explain the phenomenon. Some hold that they were left by alien spaceships. Others say that they are simply an elaborate prank. (50)


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