Walking Robot Carries a
Person The first walking robot capable of carrying a person unveiled on Friday in Tokyo, Japan. Its creators at Waseda University in Tokyo and the Japanese robotics company Tmsuk hope their two-leg-ged creation will one day enable wheel-chair users to climb up and down the stairs and assist the movement of heavy goods over uneven ground. The battery-powered robot, code-named WL-16, is essentially an aluminium chair mounted on two sets of telescopic poles. The poles are bolted to flat plates which act as feet. WL-16 uses 12 actuators (传动装置) to move forwards, backwards and sideways while carrying an adult weighing up to 60 kilograms (130 pounds). The robot can adjust its body and walk smoothly even if the person it is carrying shifts in the chair. At present A. He doesn’t think it is useful. B. He thinks it is only a manipulator. C. He thinks it is user-friendly. D. He is unsure of its safety. [单选题]行政复议申请人在申请复议时一并提出行政赔偿请求,
复议机关对符合国家赔偿法的有关规定应当给予赔偿的,在 决定撤销、变更具体行政行为或者确认具体行政行为违法时 ()。 A.能同时决定被申请人依法给予赔偿 B.应当同时决 定被申请人依法给予赔偿 C.建议被申请人依法给予赔偿 D.进行调解 [单项选择]What is Hawaii's most important industry
[单选题]患者男性,60岁。肝癌晚期,近日病情日益加重,患者要求停止治疗,怨恨家属照顾欠周,此心理反应属于( )
A.忧郁期 B.愤怒期 C.协议期 D.否认期 E.接受期 [单选题]根据我国消费者权利保护法的规定,经营者在向消费者宣传有关商品时,正确的做法是( )
A.只对有利于销售的问题进行明确答复 B.不做引人误解的虚假宣传 C.向消费者说明商标的真实含义 D.可以夸大商品的性能 [判断题]特殊作业的安全视频监控信号必须传输至监控中心,实施 实时监控,对违章行为进行实时记录。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]遗失物品通过铁路转送时,按实际重量核收运费。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]医务人员使用的针头、备皮刀等医用锐器,使用后应当如何处理?( )
A.直接放入利器盒 B.扔入垃圾袋 C.放入消毒液中浸泡 D.收集后卖掉 [判断题]Word文档中Ctrl+C复制所选文本或对象。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下符合存贷款利率换算和计息公式的有( )。
A.日利率(0/000)=年利率(%)÷365 B.日利率(0/000)=年利率(%)÷360 C.月利率(‰)=年利率(%)÷1.2 D.月利率(‰)=年利率(%)÷12 [名词解释]声腔
A. 呈车轮纹状,粉性 B. 皮部黄色,木部白色,粉性 C. 呈菊花心状 D. 皮部黄色,髓部白色,粉性 E. 皮部黄白色,木部黄色 [单项选择]For nearly 50 years, Spock has been a () author writing 13 books including an autobiography and numerous magazine articles.
A. prevalent B. precautious C. prospective D. prolific [判断题]277.(83006)安全阀是保证计量分离器量油时流程畅通的。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交