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发布时间:2024-01-07 21:02:20

[填空题]Banking, by its nature, entails taking a wide array of risks.

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[简答题]Even without taking the technology to its limits, the idea of education as a lifelong process is catching on throughout the industrialized world.
[单项选择]A. Its low purchase price. C. Its wide availability.
B. Its good nutritional value. D. Its high water content.
[填空题]The country is very rich in its (nature) ______ resources, which include forests and oil.

[填空题]Kenya and the rebel movement in Sudan make an arrangement of building a railway to Mombasa at a cost of about four billion dollars.
[单项选择]Beauty in nature is the same everywhere. Nature is full of colour. Plants, animals, birds and insects have many beautiful colours. Colour, however, for animals, birds and insects is not only for beauty. It means life to them, because it helps them hide from the enemies. Birds, for example, use colour to tell other birds to stay away from their nests. They sing and move their wings to show the colour as a warning to other birds. One kind of butterfly is black. It tastes bad to birds. Once a bird eats this kind of butterfly, it remembers the bad taste. One kind of fish can change its colour to the colour of the surrounding plants and rocks. This prevents the fish’s enemies from finding and eating it. Colour is very important to nature, animals, birds and insects. It often save their lives.()
A. To remember the bad taste.
B. To show their beauty.
C. To stay away from others.
D. To warn other birds.
[单项选择] Man and Nature The balance of nature is a delicate system of checks and counter-checks. Nature has its own way of checking the life and distribution of the different organisms and helping their growth. An epidemic may be considered nature’’ s way of checking population growth. Man in his attempt to conquer nature and to utilize it to his advantage has interfered with the balance of nature, thereby creating problems of a complex nature. Nature’’ s ways of maintaining the balance are intricate and not easily understood and man’’ s application of his scientific knowledge and techniques has upset this balance so much that today, being aware of the disastrous consequences, he takes measures against them. No animal or plant can live in isolation ,for different organisms are parts of a vast dynamic complex of living things. As no man or community is self-sufficient, no organism can live by itself. When man interferes with the interdependence and interrelat
A. Y
B. N
Fighting in Nature

In nature, fighting is such an ever-present process that its behavior mechanisms and weapons are highly developed. Almost every animal capable of self-defense from the smallest upwards fights furiously when it is cornered and has no means of escape.
However, in another respect the fight between hunter and hunted is not a fight in the real sense of the word: the stroke of the paw with which a lion kills his prey may resemble the movements that he makes when he strikes his rival, but the inner motives of the hunter are basically different from those of the fighter. The buffalo which the lion fells provokes his aggression as little as the appetizing turkey which I have just seen hanging in the larder provokes mine. The difference in these inner drives can clearly be seen in the expression movements of the animal: a dog about to catch a hunted rabbit has the same kind of excited happy expression as he has whe
Answer Choices
Fighting among animals in nature is always filled with aggression.
B. As a specific kind of fighting, hunting contains little aggression.
C. The counter-offensive of fighting, a very common behavior in social animals, has many functions.
D. Only social animals are capable of counter-offensive or mobbing.
E. Domestic animals are more aggressive than wild animals in fighting.
F. Fighting is so ingrained that even domestic animals are capable of mobbing.


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