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发布时间:2024-07-01 07:54:17

The World Bank’s Real Problem

The World Bank is undeniably in crisis. But not because its president, Paul Wolfowitz, got his girlfriend a raise.
It is the Wolfowitz saga that has been grabbing all the headlines, of course. The Iraq- war architect was plucked from the Defense Department and deposited by President George W. Bush at the World Bank in 2005 (by tradition, the U.S. President picks the bank’s chief). At the time, Wolfowitz informed the bank’s ethics committee that he was seeing Shaha Riza, a communication adviser at the bank, and the in-house ethicists told him she should be moved to another agency and given a raise for her troubles. But the size of the pay hike (from $133,000 to $180,000, tax free) and other details about Riza’s transfer raised hackles among bank staff and sparked an investigation. The bank’s board will decide any day now whether Wolfowitz stays or goes.
This dragged-out mess, though, is a distr
A. The World Bank should reduce its staff.
B. The World Bank should coordinate global action.
C. The World Bank should offer advice to poor countries.
D. The World Bank should limit its work to lending and grant makin

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The World Bank’s Real Problem

The World Bank is undeniably in crisis. But not because its president, Paul Wolfowitz, got his girlfriend a raise.
It is the Wolfowitz saga that has been grabbing all the headlines, of course. The Iraq- war architect was plucked from the Defense Department and deposited by President George W. Bush at the World Bank in 2005 (by tradition, the U.S. President picks the bank’s chief). At the time, Wolfowitz informed the bank’s ethics committee that he was seeing Shaha Riza, a communication adviser at the bank, and the in-house ethicists told him she should be moved to another agency and given a raise for her troubles. But the size of the pay hike (from $133,000 to $180,000, tax free) and other details about Riza’s transfer raised hackles among bank staff and sparked an investigation. The bank’s board will decide any day now whether Wolfowitz stays or goes.
This dragged-out mess, though, is a distr
A. its corruption
B. its policy on lending
C. its continued existence
D. Wolfowitz’s romantic relationship
[填空题]What is Brendan’s greatest problem No bank treats him ______.
[单项选择]The World Bank is one of the major channels through which development aid is passed from the Industrial West to the poor and developing nations. In the last decade, important changes have taken place in the size of the Bank’s operations and in the emphasis of its lending policies. Few people would deny that the President of the Bank, Mr. Robert McNamara, has played a vital role in bringing about the changes.
What immediately strikes anyone looking at the lending figures over the last ten years is the tremendous expansion of the Bank’s loan program. This has increased from $1 billion to nearly $7 billion. The figure includes "hard loans" which are made at current rates of interest, and "soft loans" which are given to poor countries at concessionary (特许的) rates.
In deciding the emphasis of its lending policy, the Bank had to take into account the population explosion in poor countries. There is a strong and deeply-rooted tradition among people in these countries to have big fam
A. to improve world wide lending policies
B. to provide loans for poor developing nations
C. to finance the infrastructure construction in the developing country
D. to play a decisive role in international banking
[单项选择]What is the specific role of the World Bank right now
A. To call the community to donate more money after emergency takes place
B. To provide financial help after the emergency takes place
C. To be ready with emergent financial crisis
D. To be ready for the financial needs of the community
[填空题]According to a World Bank official, there will be ______in the near future.

[单项选择]According to the World Bank, the cost of reconstruction in East Timor will be between ______and ______million dollars over the next 3 years.
A. 260,300
B. 300, 260
C. 200, 360
D. 360,200

At the World Bank in Washington, officials have posted some new " help wanted" signs. The bank is looking for a few good specialists to focus on adapting to global warming. It’s a small start, perhaps.
46. Still, the ads represent one signal that adaptation is emerging from the political circle to take its place among the fronl-rank options for dealing with elilnate change.
47. At least in the developed world, the idea that people should start figuring out how to deal with the projected effects of warming has been overshadowed by calls to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions. Some environmentalists have viewed adaptation either as a white flag on the issue or as a refuge of cont rarians who despise the broad consensus that human activity is warming the climate.
48. But last week’s release of a report on the science of global warming—with its projections of warming based on emissions already in the air, as well as on


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