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发布时间:2024-07-27 18:32:37

[填空题]Mr. Li, you (want)on the phone()

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[填空题]Mr. Li, you (want)on the phone.

Suppose you are Li Ming and you want to further your study on your major. Write a letter of application to the head of the Registration Department of a university to which you intend to be admitted and the letter should include the following information:
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the ad dress. (10 points)

[单项选择]When you buy a mobile phone, you must
A. take out an insurance policy.
B. check the contract carefully.
C. get an extended guarante
Where are you from
How long have you lived there
How does your hometown compare with... (place where the candidate is currently living)
What about your family
Could you tell us something about your family
What do you do in... (the candidate’s hometown), do you work or study
(If the candidate is already working)
What does your work involve7
Is your job something you had always wanted to do
How long do you think you will stay in this job
(If the candidate is still at school, college or university)
What are your favorite subjects at school What exactly are you studying
What type of work are you hoping to do in the future
What qualifications will you need to achieve that

You can get a lot out of your phone if you know the right number. In London, for example, you can hear tourist information in German if you dial 5468036. Or you may dial 4679024 to listen to poets reading their own poems.
If you don’t know what to cook for dinner, dial 5468345 for the recipe of the day. And your children can hear a bedtime story if they dial 5468567.
For information on almost anything under the sun you can ring 2536141. That’s the number of the Daily Telegraph Information Service.
Do you have problem so big that you think you can’t go on You’ll find understanding, help, and advice if you call "The Samaritans" at 8356266.
You want to meet other people, make a friend, or perhaps find a wife or husband Why not ring 4678324 then’ If you do, you’ll hear men and women talking on tape. They, too, are looking for a friend of partner.
Hot line Telephone Numbers


[简答题]Mobile Phone Etiquette
You are to write in three parts.
In the first part, state specifically what your idea is.
In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your idea OR describe your idea.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

[单项选择] Whenever advertisers want you to stop thinking about the product and to start thinking about something bigger, better, or more attractive than the product, they use that very popular word "like". The word "like" is the advertiser’’s equivalent of the magician’’s use of misdirection. "Like" gets you to ignore the product and concentrate on the claim the advertiser is making about it. "For skin like peaches and cream" claims the ad for a skin cream. What is this ad really claiming It doesn’’t say this cream will give you peaches-and-cream skin. There is no verb in this claim, so it doesn’’t even mention using the product. How is skin ever like "peaches and cream" Remember, ads must be read exactly according to the dictionary definition of words. This ad is making absolutely no promise for this skin cream. If you think this cream will give you soft, smooth, and youthful-looking skin, you are the one who has read the meaning into the ad. The wine that claims "It’’s like taking a
A. The Magic of "Like" in Advertising
B. The Promise of "Like" in Advertising
C. The Definition of "Like" in Advertising
D. The Application of "Like" in Advertising


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