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发布时间:2023-11-19 01:20:13

[填空题]By the 1950s many American families owned television sets. During television’s first 20 years, deaf people missed most of the fun. They could not hear what was being said and had to guess. Deaf people who watched television liked sports and action shows, but they were disappointed with other programs. If there was a lot of dialogue, deaf viewers couldn’t follow the plot. Even the most skilled lip-readers could only catch part of the talking. This frustrated many deaf people.
In the late 1960s, a man started experimenting. Malcom Norwood thought that deaf people could enjoy television programs, too. He wanted to develop captions for the programs. Norwood worked for the federal government’s Media Services and Captioned Films Division at the Bureau of Education of the Handicapped.
Norwood surveyed many hearing Americans. He wanted to see how they felt about seeing captions on the television screen. Too many people were against the idea. Norwood realized he had to develop ano

更多"By the 1950s many American families"的相关试题:

[填空题]By the 1950s many American families owned television sets. During television’s first 20 years, deaf people missed most of the fun. They could not hear what was being said and had to guess. Deaf people who watched television liked sports and action shows, but they were disappointed with other programs. If there was a lot of dialogue, deaf viewers couldn’t follow the plot. Even the most skilled lip-readers could only catch part of the talking. This frustrated many deaf people.
In the late 1960s, a man started experimenting. Malcom Norwood thought that deaf people could enjoy television programs, too. He wanted to develop captions for the programs. Norwood worked for the federal government’s Media Services and Captioned Films Division at the Bureau of Education of the Handicapped.
Norwood surveyed many hearing Americans. He wanted to see how they felt about seeing captions on the television screen. Too many people were against the idea. Norwood realized he had to develop ano
[填空题]Many American families participate in sports during the weekend such as _________________(跑步、骑自行车或进行球类运动).
[填空题]Violence in American families takes many forms. One prevalent form that we often (26) is the physical punishment of children. Perhaps 93 per cent of all parents beat their children in order to (27) them. Young children receive the most punishment, but studies reveal that about 50 per cent of high school (28) report experiencing or being threatened with physical punishment. Punishment of children varies from a light tap to a brutal beating, but (29) we have granted parents the right to use physical force against their children. A law passed in 1696, for example, called for the death (30) for a child of "sufficient understanding" over the age of sixteen who cursed or struck a parent or who was "stubborn and (31) " in refusing to obey a parent.
Most parents use physical punishment (32) that it will control the aggression in their children and make them (33) . In fact, violence—whether verbal or ph
[填空题]In many American families, parents feel that children should ______ (独自作出一些重要决定).

[填空题]In many American families,parents feel that children should______(独自作出一些重要决定) .


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