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发布时间:2024-07-28 01:40:59


Tourism and Environment in the Mediterranean
The Mediterranean Countries as a whole account for one third of the world international tourism. In 1990, 72 million international tourists and 62 million domestic tourists visited the Mediterranean coastal region. Although the highest concentration has traditionally been on the northern shores, the trend is towards a more even distribution around the entire basin.
At the same time, the Mediterranean Region -- characterised by its particular climate -- is considered as a terrestrial biodiversity "hotspot", this being defined as an area of exceptional endemism, having more than 1,500 vascular plants, and where over 70% of the natural habitat has been lost. In fact, the Mediterranean region largely meets these criteria, since it has about 13,000 endemic plants with only very little habitat left. Favourite tourist areas and biodiversity hotspots largely coincide in the Mediterranean coastal regions. Th

更多"Tourism and Environment in the Medi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Eco-tourism—travel that preserves the environment and promotes the welfare of local people— continues to gain force. Impressed by the success of countries like Costa Rica and Ecuador, which have lured flocks of travelers for mountain treks and jungle safaris, a growing number of regions across tile globe are turning to eco-tourism as a strategy’ for economic growth.
Omar Bongo, the president of Gabon, a developing country in west central Africa, bas set aside about 10 percent of the country’s landmass for 13 national parks. Green Visions, a tourism and environment protection company, based in Sarajevo. Bosnia-Herzegovina, is pioneering an eco-tourism development plan in Central Europe with "green adventures" that promote environmental principles and support local businesses. Even Greece, better known for its pumping night life and archaeological monuments, devotes a section of its national tourism’ Web site to "Greek nature" and eco-tourism.
Over the last four years, at least
A. travel style
B. economic strategy
C. welfare movement
D. local policy
[简答题]The primary benefit of tourism to travelers is a measure of personal pleasure, and there seems hardly to be a tourist offering to fit every taste and individual interest. Some just want to lie on a beach. Others may seek exposure to the arts, architecture, cuisine, crafts, traditions, or lifestyle of a different culture. Others wish to visit a place of exceptional natural beauty or a location that offers specific recreational activities, or to study a particular topic. Whatever the focus—whether going white water rafting or taking an architectural tour or photographing native flowers—it is an activity chosen to bring enjoyment to the tourist.
[单项选择] Tourism Tourism holidaymaking and travel are these days more significant social phenomena than most commentators have considered. On the face of it there could not be a more trivial subject for a book. And indeed since social scientists have had considerable difficulty explaining weightier topics, such as work or politics, it might be thought that they would have great difficulties in accounting for more trivial phenomena such as holidaymaking. However, there are interesting parallels with the study of deviance (偏差). This involves the investigation of bizarre and idiosyncratic (异常) social practices which happen to be defined as deviant in some societies but not necessarily in others. The assumption is that the investigation of deviance can reveal interesting and significant aspects of "normal" societies. It could be said that a similar analysis can be applied to tourism. Tourism is a leisure activity which presupposes its opposite, namely r
A. Y
B. N


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