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发布时间:2024-07-23 18:29:15

[单项选择]Woman: I want to try something new in the project. What’s your opinion
Man: Well, I prefer to go by the book. At least it is safer, isn’t it
Question: What does the man suggest
A. Strictly obeying the established rules.
B. Trying something new from the book.
C. Testing a new but safer method.
D. Learning a new method through practice.

更多"Woman: I want to try something new "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Woman: I want to try something new in the project. What’s your opinion
Man: Well, I prefer to go by the book. At least it is safer, isn’t it
Question: What does the man suggest
A. Strictly obeying the established rules.
B. Trying something new from the book.
C. Testing a new but safer method.
D. Learning a new method through practice.

Woman: Could you give me something, for the pain I didn’t get to sleep until three o’clock this morning.
Man: Aspirin is the strongest medication I can give you without a prescription.
Woman: That isn’t strong enough, and I don’t have an appointment with my dentist until next week.
Man: Who is your dentist
Woman: Dr. Williams.
Man: Doesn’t he have his office on the corner
Woman: Yes, he does.
Man: Are you a regular patient
Woman: Yes.
Man: Oh. Then I can call him if you like. Dr. Williams will give me pain prescription over the phone.
Woman: I’d appreciate that very much. Do you think that he’ll still be in his office
Man: Sure. It’s only four - thirty. He should he there until five.
Woman: Good.
Man: Too bad you can’t get an appointment sooner.
Woman: I know. Dr. Williams is always hooked up though. I was lucky to g
A. in a dentist’s office.
B. In a drug store.
C. In a hospital.
D. In a doctor’s office.

[单项选择]I want to try again. Could you please give me ______ third chance
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. 不填
[单项选择]M: I want to try on that black pair.
A. Do you mean this black pair or that black pair
B. Oh, I thought the red ones looked very nice on you.
C. Would you mind changing another pair
D. Get the red ones, please. I’ m busy.
[简答题]In the new millennium I want to see disabled people acquiring the same degree of control over their lives that other people have. To be disabled is to be no less human than anyone else, but far too often disabled people still have their lives ruled by others. No able-bodied person would put up with it.
Access to intellectual opportunities and jobs as well as buildings and public transport need to be regarded as rights, not gifts society is generous enough to bestow on disabled people. Institutions are generally willing to adapt their buildings, but only when a disabled person needs them-and afterwards you hear grumbles that the money was wasted because "you never see" a disabled person using the new facilities.
The record is appalling. Even the recent Disability Discrimination ACT fails to cover areas like education and transport, areas that are absolutely crucial if full citizen’s rights are to be extended to the disabled. Until recently people with disabilities were not leg
[填空题]I want to rent a new apartment that is (comfortable) _______ than this one.

A. I really want to see your new car B. to pay cash for this car
C. Have you and the seller agreed upon a price D. to buy this car
E. Does your father buy the car for you F. You might want to have a mechanic
G. That would make it a lot easier fur me H. I won’t wait to buy it
Brown: I think that car drove really well and is a good deal.
William: It seems to be a good choice for you. (56) take a look at it just to be sure.
Brown:My friend 1S a mechanic and he came and looked at it for me this morning.
William:That was smart of you to think ahead. (57)
Brown:Yes,he is willing to accept the price that I offered him.
William:Have you thought about how to pay for your car
Brown:I saved up enough money (58)
William:You’ve really thought this through.Let me go with you to make the payment and drive your car home for you.
Brown: (59)


M: Can you clean this coat today I want to wear it tomorrow.
W: Certainly. It will be ready by 5 o’clock this afternoon, Is that all right

What does the man want the woman to do ()
A. Wash his coat.
B. Helping him with the work.
C. Buy him a coat.
D. Finish the letter by 5 o’clock.


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