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发布时间:2023-10-22 09:25:51

[单项选择]Some of the world’s most accommodating businessmen specialize in getting you what you want at a fair market price. But they’re businessmen with a difference — they’re smugglers who deal only in what’s illegal.
A smuggling operation is complex, so it has to be businesslike. It has managers who plan trips, make deals, and arrange for purchases and pick-ups. It has travelers who deliver the goods, and specialists who recruit and train them. In fact, smugglers frequently have legitimate businesses on the side. A travel agency is helpful because the modern smuggler is a world traveler. When a gold smuggler was arrested recently, he had airline tickets from Geneva to Bangkok by way of Frankfurt, Istanbul, Beirut, Vancouver, Tokyo, Heng Kong, Manila, and Jakarta.
The best places for smuggling operations are border cities and seaports. In one such city, annual sales at local stores amounted to $6,900 for every person in town. But the average person only made $3,575 per year. A ti
A. they specialize in illegal businesses,
B. their work has to be efficient.
C. they receive training in business management.
D. they do some legitimate businesses.

更多"Some of the world’s most accommodat"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Some of the world’s most accommodating businessmen specialize in getting you what you want at a fair market price. But they’re businessmen with a difference — they’re smugglers who deal only in what’s illegal.
A smuggling operation is complex, so it has to be businesslike. It has managers who plan trips, make deals, and arrange for purchases and pick-ups. It has travelers who deliver the goods, and specialists who recruit and train them. In fact, smugglers frequently have legitimate businesses on the side. A travel agency is helpful because the modern smuggler is a world traveler. When a gold smuggler was arrested recently, he had airline tickets from Geneva to Bangkok by way of Frankfurt, Istanbul, Beirut, Vancouver, Tokyo, Heng Kong, Manila, and Jakarta.
The best places for smuggling operations are border cities and seaports. In one such city, annual sales at local stores amounted to $6,900 for every person in town. But the average person only made $3,575 per year. A ti
A. it is carried out in small cities and seaports.
B. it is helped by people doing legitimate businesses.
C. the smuggled goods are carried to faraway places.
D. the smuggled goods are hidden in the smuggler’s clothes.
[单项选择]Some of the world’s most beautiful cats are Persian cats. However, it must be acknowledged that all Persian cats are pompous, and pompous cats are invariably irritating.
If the statements above are true, each of the following must also be true on the basis of them EXCEPT:
A. Some of the world’s most beautiful cats are irritating.
B. Some irritating cats are among the world’s most beautiful cats.
C. Any cat that is not irritating is not a Persian cat.
D. Some pompous cats are among the world’s most beautiful cats.
E. (E) Some irritating and beautiful cats are not Persian cats.
Some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs cut their business teeth on the playground. Michael Dell is no exception. At 12, he made $ 2,000 (£ 1,255) selling his stamp collection, and by 14, he had come up with a marketing scheme to sell newspapers. This earned him £11,200--more money than some of his teachers made--and led to the creation of the Dell Computer Corporation, the industry’s fastest-growing company. He is now the ninth-richest man in the world, with a personal fortune of £12.5 billion, from seed capital of just £627 in 1984.
(8) He says, "I thought it was marvelous that this little device could do my math homework much faster than I ever could, and it really started me thinking about electronics. I loved taking things apart and putting them back together again, although I could not always get them working. I quickly became interested in personal computers when I was given an Apple II
[单项选择]It’s perhaps the world’s most famous underwater attraction, immortalized in film and in legend: the Titanic. But now experts say the ocean liner, once a wonder of the high seas, is falling to pieces.
Capt. Alfred McLaren, the scientist who in July led the most recent expedition to the ship’s underwater grave, said his team saw clear signs of the wreck’s accelerating decay. There was damage likely caused by rust and sea life, and the captain’s cabin had collapsed.
"I was absolutely astonished," McLaren said.
Worse still, the fallen mast that crushed the ship’s deck is believed by many to be the result of an unapproved salvage operation. "It was almost depressing to see how quickly she was deteriorating," McLaren says. "I would be really surprised if there’s very much standing up from the bottom, two decades from now."
Ed Kamuda, who runs the Titanic Historical Society in Springfield, Mass., says adventure tourists-who pay $36,000 each to visit the
A. Mother Nature
B. human nature
C. thrill seekers
D. adventure tourists
[填空题]The world’s most serious nuclear accident happened in ______.
[单项选择] The common cold is the world’’s most widespread illness, which is probably why there are more myths about it than any of the other plagues that flesh is heir to. The most widespread fallacy of all is that colds are caused by cold. They are not. They are caused by viruses passed on from person to person. You catch a cold by corning into contact, directly or indirectly, with someone who already has one. If cold causes colds, it would be reasonable to expect the Eskimos to suffer from them permanently. But they do not. And in isolated arctic regions explorers have reported being free from colds until coming into contact again with infected people from the outside world by way of packages and mail dropped from airplanes. During the First World War, soldiers who spent long periods in the trenches, cold and wet, showed no increased tendency to catch colds. In the Second World War, prisoners at the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp, naked and starving, were astonished
A. The Eskimos seldom suffer from colds.
B. Colds are not caused by cold.
C. People suffer from colds just because they like to stay indoors.
D. A person may catch a cold by touching someone who already has one.


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